ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision", Graz, 2002
parameters for decentering distortion and the affine
transformation for scale differences between axes turned out
to be insignificant. The radial symmetric component of the
lens distortion is shown in Fig. 9. Clearly, this camera
exhibits quite significant distortions towards the edges of the
image sensor (on the order of 250 microns or 30 pixels).
However, the extent of the radial symmetric distortion over
the typical image measurement area is only about a few
pixels or about one cm at ground scale. In the next step,
images were acquired in a cloverleaf pattern over the ground
target area by the camera installed in the mapping vehicle.
Results from the triangulation with self-calibration using the
AeroSys program have delivered virtually identical camera
calibration parameters.
Radial symmetric distortion
[mm] 21 28 {mm}
Figure 9. Radial symmetric distortion.
5.2 Boresight calibration
Boresight calibration is referred to as the estimation of the
linear and angular components of the transformation between
the camera and the INS body frames. It is usually
accomplished through a mathematical comparison of the
aerotriangulation (AT) solution and an independent GPS/INS
solution for the exterior orientation parameters. The boresight
calibration of the system presented here has been performed
at the OSU West Campus target area after the hardware was
installed in the mapping van and thereafter for stability
check. The sensor configuration is shown in Figure 10; the
GPS antenna is approximately above the IMU center.
Figure 10. Sensor geometry.
A - 366
In each boresight calibration session, a total of three-four
independent EO solutions were determined, based on several
independently collected sets of three images each. The typical
AT results have shown standard deviations of about 1 cm for
the positions and 10 arcminutes for the attitude, respectively.
The average boresight parameters are in Table 2.
Offsets in IMU body Rotation [degree]
frame [m]
dX -1.104 o 11.160
dY 0.047 9 2.169
dZ 0.439 K 88.012
Table 2. Average boresight offsets and rotations.
6.1 A performance limit of the system
Once the boresight parameters had been established for the
first time, a performance evaluation test was performed at the
OSU West Campus. The objective was to test the
performance potential of the system using operator based
measurements. Image orientation data (EO) was provided
from the GPS/INS navigation solution by applying the
boresight transformation. Several models were set up and the
control point coordinates (as check points) were measured in
the directly oriented images and compared to the ground
coordinates. Table 3 presents a sample comparison of these
coordinate differences. It should be pointed out that in the
analysis presented here, only the final positioning
performance is addressed, which can be interpreted as the
ultimate limit for the automated image sequence processing
X [m] Y [m] Z [m]
Point 1 -0.014 0.011 0.032
Point 2 0.015 0.045 0.060
Point 13 0.024 -0.010 0.039
Point 14 0.015 -0.045 -0.083
Mean 0.010 0.000 0.012
RMS 0.017 0.038 0.064
Table 3. Checkpoint fit to ground truth.
6.2 Realized performance
To assess the performance of the system, absolute and
differential tests were performed on various roads. A few
control points were set up along a centerline at the OSU West
Campus and were regularly surveyed from both directions.
The acquired image sequences have been processed in two
different ways. In monoscopic mode, the centerlines were
extracted and the location was computed from the
approximation that the vehicle is always parallel to the road
surface (the image ray intersects with the base plane of the
vehicle). To support the stereo positing, the consecutive
images were matched to establish 3D geometry and thus
centerlines could be determined in the 3D space.
Experiments have revealed that the matching process is not
only very time-consuming but it is rather unreliable as well.
To some extent, however, the monoscopic results have turned
out to be quite good and rather insensitive to data acquisition
anomalies, such as gaps between lane markers or missing
images. Therefore, we temporarily abandoned the idea of the