Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision", Graz, 2002 
image using a least-squares adjustment (see also (Wallack and 
Manocha, 1998)). Approximate transformation parameters are 
assumed to be known, which can be obtained by any preceding 
object recognition method that uses the edge position and orien- 
tation as features, e.g., the shape-based matching or the modified 
Hough transform. The minimization is realized using a single 
step algorithm (Press et al., 1992). This approach is described 
more extensively in (Ulrich and Steger, 2002). We implemented 
the least-squares adjustment as an extension of the shape-based 
matching, which returns the requested approximate values accu- 
rately enough. 
3.1 Evaluation Criteria 
We use three main criteria to evaluate the performance of the six 
object recognition methods and to build a common basis that fa- 
cilitates an objective comparison. 
The first criterion to be considered is the robustness of the ap- 
proach. This includes the robustness against occlusions, which 
often occur in industrial applications, e.g., caused by overlapping 
objects on the assembly line or defects of the objects to be in- 
spected. Non-linear as well as local illumination changes are also 
crucial situations, which cannot be avoided in many applications 
over the entire field of view. Therefore, the robustness against 
arbitrary illumination changes is also examined. A multitude of 
images were taken to simulate different overlapping and illumi- 
nation situations (see Section 3.2). We measure the robustness 
using the recognition rate, which is defined as the number of im- 
ages in which the object was correctly recognized divided by the 
total number of images. 
The second criterion is the accuracy of the methods. Most appli- 
cations need the exact transformation parameters of the object as 
input for further investigations like precise metric measurements. 
In the area of quality control, in addition, the object in the search 
image must be precisely aligned with the transformed reference 
image to ensure a reliable recognition of defects or other varia- 
tions that influence certain quality criteria, e.g., by subtracting the 
gray values of both images. We determine the subpixel accuracy 
by comparing the exact (known) position and orientation of the 
object with returned parameters of the different candidates. 
The computation time represents the third evaluation criterion. 
Despite the increasing computation power of modern micropro- 
cessors, efficient and fast algorithms are more important than 
ever. This is particularly true in the field of object recognition, 
where a multitude of applications enforce real time computation. 
Indeed, it is very hard to compare different recognition methods 
using this criterion because the computation time strongly de- 
pends on the individual implementation of the recognition meth- 
ods. Nevertheless, we tried to find parameter constellations (see 
Section 3.2) for each of the investigated approaches that at least 
allow a qualitative comparison. 
Since the Hausdorff distance does not return the object position 
in subpixel accuracy and in addition does not use image pyra- 
mids resulting in unreasonably long recognition times, the cri- 
teria of accuracy and computation time are only applied to the 
five remaining candidates. The least-squares adjustment is im- 
plemented as a subsequent refinement step in combination with 
the shape-based matching. Therefore, only the accuracy and the 
recognition time of the least-squares adjustment are analyzed, 
since the robustness is not affected and hence is the same as the 
robustness of the underlying recognition approach. 
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Figure 1: An IC is used as the object to be recognized. 
3.2 Experimental Set-Up 
In this section the experimental set-up for the evaluation is ex- 
plained in detail. We chose an IC, which is shown in Figure 1, 
as the object to be found in the subsequent experiments. Only 
the part within the bounding box of the print on the IC formes 
the ROI, from which the models of the different recognition ap- 
proaches are created. For the recognition methods that segment 
edges during model creation (Hausdorff distance, shape-based 
matching, modified Hough transform, least-squares adjustment) 
the threshold for the minimum edge amplitude in the reference 
image was set to 30 during all our experiments. The images we 
used for the evaluation are 8 bit gray scale of size 652 x 494 
pixels. For all recognition methods using image pyramids, four 
pyramid levels were used to speed up the search, which we found 
to be the optimum number for our specific object. When using 
PatMax®, there is no parameter that allows to explicitly spec- 
ify the number of image pyramids to use. Instead, the parameter 
coarse grain limit can be used to control the depth of the hier- 
archical search, which has a similar meaning as, but can not be 
equated with, the number of pyramid levels. Since this parame- 
ter can be set automatically, we assumed the automatically deter- 
mined value as the optimum one and did not use a manual setting. 
3.2.1 Robustness To apply the first criterion of robustness and 
determine the recognition rate two image sequences were taken, 
one for testing the robustness against occlusions the other for test- 
ing the sensibility to illumination changes. We defined the recog- 
nition rate as the number of images, in which the object was rec- 
ognized at the correct position divided by the total number of 
The first sequence contains 500 images of the IC, which was oc- 
cluded to various degrees with various objects, so that in addition 
to occlusion, clutter of various degrees was created in the im- 
age. Figure 2 shows two of the 500 images that we used to test 
the robustness against occlusion. For the approaches that seg- 
ment edges in the search image (modified Hough transform and 
Hausdorff distance) the minimum edge amplitude in the search 
image was set to 30, i.e., to the same value as in the reference 
image. The size of the bounding box is 180 x 120 pixels at the 
lowest pyramid level, i.e., at original image resolution, contain- 
ing 2127 edge points extracted by the Sobel filter. In addition to 
the recognition rate, the correlation between the actual occlusion 
and the returned score values are examined, because the corre- 
lation between the visibility of the object and the returned score 
value is also an indicator for robustness. If, for example, only 
half of the object is visible in the image then, intuitively, also the 
score should be 50%, i.e., we expect a very high correlation in 
the ideal case. For this purpose, an effort was made to keep the 
IC in exactly the same position in the image in order to be able 
to measure the degree of occlusion. Unfortunately, the IC moved 
very slightly (by less than one pixel) during the acquisition of 
the images. The true amount of occlusion was determined by ex- 
tracting edges from the images and intersecting the edge region 
with the edges within the ROI in the reference image. Since the

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