Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

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ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
for the targets have been obtained. Results using both 
techniques are shown in figure 4. 
Figure 4. Target center determination using two 
matching algorithms 
2.5 Camera parameter estimation 
First, a full math model was chosen to perform the geometric 
calibration and estimate the sensor parameters. In this math 
model, Ravi Samtaney (1999) tried to cover the significant 
factors that might occur in geometric calibration. This model is 
explored more below. The model relates the target coordinates 
in object space and image space through the camera 
parameters. This overdetermined and nonlinear system needs 
an optimization criterion to be solved. Since we have some 
initial values for a number of the camera parameters and their 
uncertainty, we decided to use the unified least squares 
algorithm to solve the system. Using the resulting distortion 
parameters, plots were drawn to describe the radial and 
decentering distortion behavior. Finally, the radial distortion 
curve was equalized by small changes in corresponding 
parameters. The results of the process for each sensor are 
tabulated in the results section. 
In order to find the target locations in the image, two matching 
approaches were used. First, the approximate locations are 
obtained using the cross correlation matching. Second, we 
refine the results of the first algorithm using LSQM. 
3.1 Cross-correlation matching 
Cross-correlation determines the similarity between two 
corresponding patches. The conventional cross-correlation 
approach cannot give the precise location of an object due to 
many factors. Differences in attitude, distortion, and signal 
noise are some examples that affect the correspondence in 
geometry and radiometry (Mikhail, Bethel and McGlone, 2001; 
Atkinson 1996). However, this algorithm usually gives an 
approximate location of the correspondence within a few 
The ideal template will be passed through the image and the 
matching function will be computed and recorded at the center 
pixel of the patch. The match function, the normalized cross 
correlation coefficient, ranges between +1 and -1. The 
maximum value equals +1, which means they are identical. 
Usually a threshold will be used to distinguish between 
matches and non-matches. Some individual correlation results, 
as shown in figure 3, are off from the center of the target only 
by a pixel or less. These results enable us to use the least 
squares refining technique directly. 
3.2 Least squares matching (LSQM) 
LSQM works as a powerful and an accurate technique to refine 
an object’s coordinates in the image space based on the 
correspondence between a image chip and a reference or 
template chip (Mikhail, Moffitt and Francis, 1980; Atkinson, 
1996). This technique utilizes the gradient in the x and y 
directions in order to move the two patches with respect to 
each other to get the best match. The match precision that we 
are looking for with this technique is within a hundredth of a 
pixel. The similarity between the two targets was only 
geometrically modeled for this specific problem since the 
radiometric differences were eliminated through some 
preprocessing steps, as we will see below. The problem is to 
match an ideal shape of the target with a small window from 
the image containing the imaged target. The following steps 
describe the automated procedure that was used for setting up 
the two windows for matching: 
1. Obtain the approximate location of the imaged target 
using the first matching approach (cross correlation). 
Those locations should be within a few pixels of the 
exact location in order to make the geometric model 
in LSQM converge and to produce accurate results. 
2. Having the rough estimated location, a window 
around that location from the image with adequate 
size will be extracted for matching purposes. This is 
all done systematically inside the code. 
3. The ideal or template target is retrieved at this point. 
Similarity in the intensity is enforced between the 
two windows. 
After specifying the two windows with the same size for 
matching, the LSQM procedure takes place. Requiring 
similarity in intensity between each of the two corresponding 
pixels from the two windows is the basic condition for this 
procedure. Since the two patches do not have the same 
coordinate system, a 6-parameter geometric transformation is 
used to relate them in the matching procedure (Atkinson, 
1996). Those parameters will be corrected iteratively and will 
be used to calculate the new coordinates x', y' in order to use 
them in resampling the grid for the template window. We used 
bilinear interpolation to resample the intensity values. The 
whole procedure will be repeated as needed but using the new 
template window with the new intensity values every time and 
the parameters will be updated. The match will be achieved 
when the system converges and those 6-parameters do not 
change any further. The system might diverge if there is no 
similarity between the two patches or the approximate location 
of the match far off from the real one by more than several 
pixels (Mikhail, Moffitt and Francis, 1980; Atkinson, 1996). 
4.1 Mathematical model 
The mathematical model was chosen carefully in order to cover 
all significant sources of geometric errors and estimate all 
significant correction parameters for those errors. (Samtaney, 
1999) explored this model in detail. It was derived from the 
fundamental collinearity equations. This model relates two 

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