Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A „Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
number of range points c,. The grid pixels are regarded as 
having vertical volume if they satisfy the following conditions. 
(z-z)»T ande >1 (1) 
Where T. and T, are experience values. In addition, grid pixels 
are segmented by region growing, where each pixel is assigned 
to one of two states, i.e. 0 if c, -0 and 1 if c, 70. The grid pixels 
belonging to a region that larger than a given threshold are 
regarded as having horizontal volume. The scatter points that 
belonging to a grid pixel of both horizontal and vertical volume 
are extracted as the measurement of volume-structured objects. 
One of the key issues of generating an implicit surface using 
volumetric modelling and marching cube method is to calculate 
the signed distance d from the centre point of each voxel y, 
to the isosurface. The sign of d, indicates the state of y. i.e. it 
is invisible from all viewpoints if d, >(), it is visible from one 
of the viewpoints if d, <0, and it is on the iso-surface if d, =. 
Hoppe, et al 1992 performed a search for the closet point to a 
voxel's centre, while Wheeler et al.1996 generated triangular 
meshes using the connectivity of structured data, and calculated 
the signed distance from the centre of each voxel to the closest 
triangular surface. Curless and Levoy 1994 calculated the 
weighted signed distance of each voxel to the nearest range 
surface of a single range view along the line of sight. The 
weighted average of all these measures is exploited as the 
signed distance estimate to the integrated iso-surface. 
The surfaces of urban outdoor objects are always not 
continuous ones. There might be window frames, rain pipes, 
cables on a planar building surface. There might be pavement, 
road guild on a road surface. The local surface normal 
calculated using the neighbouring range points might not really 
reflect the implicit surface that are of interest. In this research, 
range points are treated as independent and unorganized points. 
Extraction of iso-surface is conducted for surface-structured 
objects, i.e. vertical (building) surfaces, windows, road surfaces 
and other surfaces, and volume-structured objects, e.g. trees 
4.1 Iso-surface of surface-structured objects 
A range measurement x from viewpoint o(x) tells that there is 
nothing in the extent of laser beam between o(x) and x, there are 
something at x, and the extent far from x is unknown. On the 
other hand, a point c is visible from o(x), if and only if it is in 
the extent of laser beam between o(x) and x. It is invisible from 
o(x) if and only if it is in the extent far from x. As the range 
measurement in our research is a point sampling of the 
surroundings with a vertical angular resolution (vres=0.25 ) 
and a horizontal spatial resolution (hres 0.1m), measurement 
extent of a laser beam is considered as a compound of a circular 
cone and a cylinder as shown in Figure 4, where radius of any 
circular section of the compound structure is defined as follows. 
R = max (r*tan(vres), hres) 2) 
Where, r is the range distance from o(x) to the circular section. 
According to marching cube algorithm, an edge is intersected 
by the implicit iso-surface, if and only if the two terminal points 
(centre points of neighbour voxels) of the edge are in different 
states. Thus, instead of the signed distance estimate, in this 
research, we first calculate the state of all voxel centres, then 
calculated the intersection points on the edge that bridging 
different states. 
Extent of the measurement 
Laser beam 
Figure 4. Laser beam and its measurement extent 
Computation of point state: Theoretically, if c is visible from 
one of the viewpoint, it is outside of the surface. If c is invisible 
from all of the viewpoints, it is inside of the surface. Let S. be 
the sign of c, where, S. —-],1,0 indicates c inside, outside, and 
on the object surface. S. is computed as follows, where E, isa 
predefined value indicating the order of range error. 
Algorithm ComputeState 
Input: c 
Input: the set of all range points X = {x} 
Output: S. 
For xe X 
y, €- c- o(x).V, € x—-o(x).r.(x) € V,-V, 
d. (x) «€ VI, : -rx) , 
R, (x) « max(r, (x) x tan(vres), hres) 
If 4. (3) 2 R (x) 
If | r. (x) - r(x) |« E, then S, —0 
Else if r(x)«r(x) then § «1 
Return S, 
Computation of edge intersection point: Suppose the centre 
points e of voxel V, and 6 of V, are of different states. The 
intersection point p, on edge Tc 6;) by the implicit iso- 
surface is calculated as follows, where d; (x) 1s the orthogonal 
distance from range point x to edge Ble,.c,) > Ps (x) is the 
corresponding orthogonal point. 
z. SE En I 74 
va AH 
festen f! 
(Cie | ° voxel 
1 1 
Range : udo : 
: 70399 9 e A ' 
points NA ‚er og ei | 
ij A 
v be : voXel ; 
1 1 
1 1 
Figure 5. Edge intersection point 
A - 415 

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