Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-review full manuscripts (Part A)

ISPRS Commission III, Vol.34, Part 3A ,,Photogrammetric Computer Vision“, Graz, 2002 
models. ZSPRS, vol. XXXIII, Amsterdam 2000. 
Brenner, C., Haala, N. 1999. Extracting of building and trees 
in urban environments. /SPRS Journal of photogrammetry & 
Remote Sensing 54, 130-137. 
Brenner, C., Haala, N. 1999. Rapid production of virtual 
reality city models. Geoinformationssysteme, (2):22-28. 
Brunn, A. 2001. Statistical interpretation of dem and image 
data for building extraction. In A. Grün, editor, ASCONA- 
Workshop 2001. Balkema-Verlag, 
Brunn, A., Weidner, U. 1997. Extracting buildings from digital KE 
surface models. ZAPRS Vol. 32, part 3-4w2, stuttgart. 
Hug, Ch., Wehr, A. 1997. Detecting and identifying AB 
topographic objects in imaging laser altimetry data. /4PRS 32, B 
19-26, part 3-2w3. a 
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Jelalian, A. 1992. Laser Radar System. Artech House, Boston. Bas 
Mass, G-H. 1999. The potential of height texture measures for FU 
the segmentation of airborne laserscanner data. Presented at pro 
the 4” Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, the 
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 21-24 June 1999. dep 
Mass, H., Vosselman, G. 1999. Two algorithms for extracting 
building model from raw laser altimetry data. ISPRS Journal 
of photogrammetry and remote sensing, 54(2-3):153-163. 
Mikhail, Edward M., Ackermann, F., 1976. Observation and 1.1 
Least Square. IEP-A Dun-Donnelley Publisher, New York. Wt 
Schenk, T., Mcintosh, K., Krupink, A. 2000. Improvement of di 
automated DSM generation over urban areas using airborne ex 
laser scanner data. International Archives of photogrammetry Sat 
and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, part B3. Amsterdam 2000. inf 
Vogtle, T., Steinle, S. 2000. Effective different laser scanning Inv 
modes on the results of building recognition and nee 
reconstruction. International Archives of Photogrammetry and me 
Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, part B3. Amsterdam 2000. lab 
Vosselman, G. 1999. Building reconstruction using planar 1.2 
faces in very high density heights data. /APRS, vol. 32, part 3- 
2w5, 87-92. Li 
Weidner, U., Forstner, W., 1995. Towards automatic building acc 
extraction from high resolution digital models. ISPRS J. 50 (4), Sur 
34-49. Sys 

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