Full text: Handwörterbuch der Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie (Dritter Band)

471 475. 
— galeatus III, 385. 
— Humphriesianus II, 
— Jarbas III, 386. 
— LewesiensislII,474. 
— lineatus III, 475. 
— Metternichi III, 385 
473 474. 
— peramplus II, 202. 
— planorbis II, 161; 
111, 386. 
— polyplocus III, 471. 
— pseudo anceps III, 
— psilonotus III, 386. 
— radians III, 471. 
— subumbilicatus IIT, 
471 473. 
Amorphozoa III, 299 
Amphibia I, 14 115. 
— caudata I, 16 21. 
— ecaudata I, 16 22. 
— ichthyoideal, 16 18. 
— sozobranchia I, 16. 
— sozura I, 16. 
Amphibien I, 14 125. 
— gepanzerte I, 16 23. 
— nackte I, 15 17. 
Amphibol III, 263. 
AmphibolasbestIII, 264. 
Amphibolfels III, 264. 
Amphibolit II, 28 55; 
IIT, 264. 
Amphibolschiefer III, 
Amphicyon III, 211. 
—- giganteus III, 213. 
Amphilestes IIT, 192 193 
— Broderipi IL 167. 
Amphilogitschiefer II, 5 7 
Amphioxus I, 406. 
Amphipoda saltatoria I, 
Amphipoden I, 199. 
Amphirhina I, 406. 
Amphistegina III, 175. 
— Hauer III, 176. 
— Lessoni III, 176. 
III, 169. 
Amphitherium III, 192 
Amphitherium Prevosti 
I], 167; IIT, 193. 
Amphitoites parisiensis 
111, 43. 
Amphodelit IIT, 278. 
Amphoterit IIT, 463. 
Ampullarien III, 458. 
Amynoden III, 198. 
Analcim III, 519. 
Anamesit II, 47. 
Ananchytiden I, 248; II, 
Anatas I, 228, 388; II 
Anauxit III, 281. 
Anchitherium III, 199, 
Ancyloceras II, 203; III, 
471, 476. 
Ancylotherium Pentelici 
IT, 200. 
— priscum III, 209. 
Ancylus III, 462. 
IIl, 309. 
Andalusitschiefer II, 58. 
Andesin III, 278. 
Andesit II, 28 45. 
Andesitporphyrit II, 28. 
Andrias Scheuchzeri I, 20 
Anemophilae III, 6. 
Aneura II, 240. 
Anfühlen der Minerale 
III, 94 96. 
Angiopteridium II, 261. 
Angiospermen III, 3 37. 
Anglesit II, 153; 111, 338. 
Anhydrit 1; 134: LE, 27: 
INT, 339- 
Ankerit I, 106. 
Anlaufen der Minerale IT, 
Anlegegoniometer II, 
Annabergit II, 153 177. 
Anneliden I, 50; III, 485 
Annivit IT, 25. 
Annularien II, 251. 254 
Anodonta III, 448 452. 
Anomalien, optische, II, 
Anomia III, 448 450 
Anomien III, 447. 
Anomodonten Il, 493; 
III, 145 149 159. 
Anomopteris III, 387. 
Anomozamites II, 206. 
Anomuren 1,198; IT, 204. 
Anoplotheridae III, 203. 
Anoplotherium III, 203; 
TIT, 366. 
— commune III, 203. 
Anorganologie I, 53. 
Anorthit IT, 154; IIT, 277. 
Anura 1, 16 22. 
Anthocyrtis III, 138. 
— mespilus III, 138. 
Anthophyllit III, 265. 
Anthophyllum I, 38; II, 
Anthophyta III, 2. 
Anthozoen I, 117 121; 
Ananchytes I, 246; II,| 
201, | 
II, 200; III, 299. 
| Anthropoiden III, 220. 
| Antigorit III, 267. 
Andalusit I, 153 228;| 
Anthracit T, 115; II, 185. 
Anthracoptera III, 449 
Anthracosia I, 116 I19; 
Ill, 449 452. 
Anthracosien I, 122. 
Anthracotheridae IIT, 
Anthracotherium III, 201 
— magnum III, 201. 
Anthrakolith I, 97 98. 
Anthrakonit I, 98. 
Antilopen III, 206. 
Antimon II, 430. 
Antimonerze I, 404. 
Antimonfahlerz II, 82. 
Antimonglanz II, 70. 
Antimonit I, 404; II, 70. 
Antimonnickel II, 179. 
Antimonocher I, 405. 
Antimonsilber II, 72. 
Antimonsilberblende IT, 
Antozonit I, 434. 
Antrimolith III, 519. 
Apatelit III, 344. 
Apateon II, 495. 
— pedestris I, 19. 
Apatit I1, 153: TII, 86. 
Apetalae III, 64. 
Apetalen III, 7. 
Aphanesit II, 404. 
Aphanit IT, 36. 
Aphanitschiefer II, 2 
Aphidae II, 138. 
Aphis II, 138. 
Aphrodit III, 267. 
Aphrosiderit II, 116. 
Aphyllum II, 239. 
— paradoxum II, 244. 
Apiocrinus I, 240; II, 
Apjohnit III, 186. 
Aplit II, 3o. 
Apophysen III, 230. 
Apophyllit III, 51r. 
Aporoxylon III, 4 20 37. 
— primigeniumI, 217; 
TTL 37. 
Aptychus III, 473. 
— laevis III, 473. 
Apus I, 190. 
Apygia III, 442. 
Apyrit III, 315. 
Aquamarin IIT, 313. 
Arachnida, Arachniden I, 
Arachnoidea I, 43. 
Aragonit I, 99 228. 
Aranea I, 43. 
Araeoxen I, 400. 
Araucaria III, 33. 
Auracaricae III, 33. 
Araucariten I, 120 217; 
Il, 492. | 
Araucarites TII, 4 20 35. 
-— carbonicus III, 3s. 
— Dunkeri II, 244; 
TIT, 35. 
— Schrollianus III, 36. 
— Sternbergi III, 28 
Arca III, 302 448 452. 
Arcanit III, 185. 
Arcestes ILI, 471 473. 
Archaeisches System I, 
Archaeoniscus Brodiei f, 
Archacopteryx III, 374 
— lithographica II, 
167; III, 396. 
— macrurus II, 167; 
HI, 396. 
Archegosaurus I, 16 23 
— Decheni I, 24; IT, 
493 495- 
— latirostris I, 23. 
Archimedipora I, 9r. 
Archipterygium III, 143. 
Arcidae III, 449 452. 
Arctocyon III, -192 211 
-— primaevus III, 212 
Arctomys marmotta III, 
106 107. 
Arctopitheci IIT, 219. 
Arctopodium II, 268. 
Arenicola IIT, 491. 
Arenicoliden III, 490. 
Arenicolites III, 491. 
Arfvedsonit III, 265. 
Argentit I, 228; II, 69. 
Argiope II, 201. 
Argonauta III, 465 466 
— Sismondai III, 358 
Argonautidae IIT, 484. 
Arieten II, 161. 
Arkansit I, 380. 
Arkose Il, 59. 
Arkosesand II, 61. 
Arksutit I, 437. 
Armaten IIT, 473. 
Armífüssler III, 437. 
Arquerit II, 428. 
Arsen Il, 430. 
Arsenblende, gelbe, I, 86. 
— rothe, I, 85. 
Arsenfahlerz II, 82. 
Arsenik II, 430. 
— rother, I, 86. 
Arsenikrubin I, 86. 
Arsenit I, 228. 
Arsenkies II, 174. 
Arsennickel II, 179. 
Arsenochalcit II, 404. 
Arsensilberblende I, 88.

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