Full text: Handwörterbuch der Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie (2. Abtheilung, 1. Theil, 3. Band)

lia III, 
a TIT, 
)2 205. 
3 185; 
I, 458 
35 37 
36 41 
I, 41 
b TT, 
O: TT. 
— ice MM ddl 
Cycadites IIT, 15 382. 
Cycadoidea III, 15 17 
Cycadoidea megalophyl 
la HT *ry. 
— microphylla II, 17 
Cycadoideen II, 165. 
Cyclas II, 165 209. 
Cycliferen, Cycliferi I 
117 216 225 422. 
Cyclobranchier III, 458.| Dasycladeae II, 220. 
Cycloiden I, 425. 
Cyclolites I, 35 38 42;| Dasypus III, 209. 
IT 20r. 
Cyclophthalmus I, r16|Dasyurus III, 116 194. 
— senior I, 44. 
Cyclopteris I, 21:7. 1I, 
Cyclostoma I, 406 ; III, 
Cyclostomidae IIT, 458. 
Cyclopit III, 278. 
Cymophan III, 318. 
Cyperaceen III, 56. 
Cypridina nitida I, 224. 
— serrato-striataT, 187 
Cypridinen I, 215. 
Cypridinenschiefer III, 
4 237. 
Cyprin III, 285. 
Cyproiden I, 116; II 
Cyrena II, 165 209; III, 
Cyrenen III, 449. 
Cyrenenkalk II, 483. 
Cyrtidae III, 137. 
Cyrtoceras I, 215 222. 
Cyrtodonta III, 452. 
Cystidea I, 242. 
Cystideen I, 231 242; 
TII, 300. 
Cystiphyllum I, 35 37 
41 218. 
— vesiculosum I, 41 
Cystoseira II, 228. 
Cytherea IIT, 446. 
Cytherina baltica I, 187; 
IIl, 304. 
Dachs IIT, 106. 
Dachschiefer IT, 58. 
Dachsteinkalk III, 237 
Dacit IT, 45. 
Dactylopora II, 221. 
— cylindracea II, 221. 
Dadoxylon 1, 217; Il, 
492; III, 4 20 35. 
— Brandlingi III, 36. 
— Rollei III, 36. 
Dakosaurus III, 157. 
Dalmanites I, 193. 
.  — fossilis III, 34. 
-| Dammarites TII, 35. 
Damourit II, 108. 
1%, 261. 
Danburit III, 315. 
,| Dannemorit III, 265. 
Dapedidae I, 421. 
Dasypoda III, 209. 
Dasyuridae III, 193. 
laniarius III, 104. 
Datolith III, 522. 
Daudebardia III, 462. 
Davyn III, 291. 
Decapoda anomura II, 
— brachyura I, 198. 
— macrural, 197;11,162 
Decapoden I, 196; II, 
204; III, 479. 
Dechenit I, 400. 
Decken: TIT, 231. 
Decrescenzgesetze III, 
Deianira II, 210. 
Delesseria II, 229. 
Delessit T, 148; II, 116. 
Delphine III, 190. 
Delphinoidea III, 215. 
Delphinus IIT, 216. 
Deltabildungen I, 20r. 
Deltoiddodekaeder II, 
Deltoidikositetraeder II, 
zigflache III, 303. 
Demant III, 310. 
Demidowit II, 469. 
Dendrerpeton I, 16 23 
— acadianuml, 26 126 
Dendrodus-Zähne I, 423. 
Dendropupa I, 122; III, 
Dammara australis TIL 34. Devexa III, 205. 
.| Danaeopsis marantacea| Deweylit II, 469. 
| Devillin II, 405. 
| Devonbildung UT 237 
| Devon. System I, 213. 
Diabas II, 27, 36. 
| DiabasmandelsteinII, 37. 
DiabasporphyritIT, 27 37| Dimyaria III, 447. 
Diabasschiefer II, 28 56.| Dinoceraten III, 368. 
Diabastuff II, 59. 
Diadema II. 161. 
Diaklase I, 490. 
Diaklasit III, 261. 
Diallag III, 259. 
Diallagandesit II, 28 47. 
Diallagbasalt II, 28 49. 
Diallagit III, 259. 
Dialypetalae III, 64. 
Diamagnetismus III, 95. 
Diamant], 227; III, 319. 
Diamantspath III, 310. 
Diaphorit I, 229; II, 79; 
ITI, 262. 
Diaspor II, 126 151 156. 
Diatherman III, 93. 
Diatomeen II, 133 199 
217 221 482. 
Diatomeenerde II, 483. 
— schlamm II, 483. 
Dibranchiaten II, 162; 
III, 477. 
DicerasII, 161; III, 452. 
arietinum II, 161; 
TIT, 452. 
Dichlamydeae IIT, 9, 64. 
Dichobune III, 367. 
Dichroismus III, 31:2. 
Dichroit III, 312. 
Dichroskop II, 473. 
Dicotyledonen II, 196; 
II 3 50. 
Dicotyles III, 201. 
Dicranum II, 244. 
Dictyocha III, 138. 
Dictyonema II, 131. 
Dictyonemen I, 50; II, 
Dentaliden III, 454. 
Dentalina III, 172. 
Dentalium III, 454. 
— clava III, 454. 
Dercetis elongatus I, 427 
Descensionsgängel, 500. 
Descloizit I, 400. 
Desman III, 103. 
Desmidiaceen I, 92; II, 
Desmin III, 512. 
Desmosit II, 443. 
Deuteroprisma, hexago- 
nales, II, 382. 
gonale, II, 370. 
Deuteropyramiden, tetra- 
Dammara III, 34. 
Dictyoneura II, 136. 
Dictyonina, Dictyoninen 
IIT, 332. 
Dictyopteris II, 258. 
— didyma II. 137. 
Dicynodon III, 159. 
Dicynodonten II, 495. 
Didelphen III, 190 191. 
Didelphyiden III, 192 
Didelphys III, 192 193. 
Didelphys Cuvieri III, 
193 367. 
Dididae III, 403. 
Didus ineptus III, 394 
Didymit II, 108. 
Dihexaeder — hexago- 
Dihydrit II, 404. 
Dillnit II, 469. 
.| Diluvium III, 100 236. 
Dimerocrinus III, 300. 
Dimorphismus I, 227. 
Dimorphodon II, 166; 
III, 148 158. 
Dinornis III, 116 400. 
— didiformis III, 401. 
— elephantopus III, 
— giganteus III, 401. 
Diallagamphibolit II, 55.| Dinosaurier II, 166 197; 
III, 145 146 149 154. 
Dinotherien III, 208 368. 
Dinotherium giganteum 
III, 208 369. 
— indicum III, 208. 
Diogenit II, 463. 
Diopsid IT, 155; III, 257. 
Dioptas II, 157. 
Diorit II, 27 34. 
Dioritpechstein II, 27 34. 
Dioritporphyrit IT, 27 35. 
Dioritschiefer II, 28 55, 
Diornithidae IIT, 400. 
Diphanit II, 111. 
Diphyodonten III, 191. 
DipiodusI, 413; IT, 494. 
Diplograptus II, 131. 
Diploide II, 317. 
Diplopoden II, 465. 
Diplopora annulata IT, 
Diplopyritoeder IT, 317. 
Diplopyritoide II, 317. 
Diplosaurus III, 153. 
Dipneusta, Dipneusten I, 
406, 428. 
Diprotodon IIT, 115 195. 
australis III, 115 195 
Diptera IT, 139. 
Dipteridae, Dipteriden I, 
227 420 424. 
Dipterii I, 420. 
Dipterinen I, 214. 
Dipterus I, 214 227 420. 
Dipterychier I, 227. 
Dipyr III, 287. 
Dirt-Beds II, 165. 
Disaster I, 248. 
Discina III, 301 439 442. 
Discinidae IIT, 440 442. 
Discoidea III, 201. 
Discophora III, 488. 
Disjunctionsgebirge I, 
519 524. 
Diskrasit II, 72. 
Dislocationen III, 226. 
Dislocationsspaltenl, 40 1 
DisphaeridaelII, 136 137 
Disphenoide II, 337. 
Disthen I, 228; III, 271. 
Dithryocaris Scouleri I, 
gonale, II, 331. 
nale Pyramide. 
123 I9O. 

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