Full text: Handwörterbuch der Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie (2. Abtheilung, 1. Theil, 3. Band)

Hexakisoktaeder IT, 305. 
Hexakistetraeder IT, 311. 
Hexapoda II, 133. 
Hexaprotodon Sivalensis 
TII, 202. 
Himbeerspath I, 107. 
Hinterkiemer III, 462. 
Hipparion IIT, 190; 199. 
Hippopotamidae ITI, 202 
Hippopotamus Madagas- 
cariensis III, 202. 
— major III, 102 106 
202 370. 
Hippotherium III, 190 
— gracile III, 369. 
Hippuritenkalk II, 483. 
Hippurites IT, 201; III, 
— cornu vaccinum II, 
— organisans II, 202. 
Hirsche III, 204. 
Hirudella III, 489. 
Hirudinea III, 488. 
Hisingerit II, 469. 
Hjelmit I, 396. 
Hochebenen I, 516. 
Hochland I, 174 516. 
Höckerzähner III, 201. 
Hohlenbár III, 103. 
Hôhlenhyäne III, 106. 
Hohlentiger III, 106. 
Hohlhórner III, 206. 
Holaster II, 201. 
Holmesit II, 111. 
Holocephali I, 413. 
Holoeder II, 284. 
Holoptichidae, Holopty- 
chiden I, 226 423. 
HoloptychierI, 125 226. 
Holoptychius I, 423. 
— Hibberti I, 125. 
— nobilissimus I, 226 
Holostomen I, 222. 
Holothurien II, 161. 
Holothurioidea I, 
— apoda I, 249. 
— pedicellata I, 249. 
Holothuroiden I, 232 
Holz, bituminóses, Il, 
Holzkupfererz II, 403. 
Holzopal II, 466. 
Holzstein III, 122. 
Holzzinnerz I, 385. 
Homalonotus I, 215 223 
Homichlin II, 182. 
Homo sapiens III, 220. 
Homocerken I, 410. 
Homomya III, 449, 453. 
Homomyarier III, 448. 
Homöomorphismus IT, 
Homôosaurus III, 151. 
— neptunius III, 151. 
Homoptera II, 138. 
Homoseisten I, 306. 
Honigstein II, 280. 
Hornblende I, 149; III, 
Hornblendediorit IT, 34. 
Hornblende-Eklogit IT, 
Hornblendegneiss II, 53. 
Hornblendegranit IT, 29. 
Hornblendesyenit II, 32. 
Hornblendetrachyt IT, 44 
Hornerz I, 401. 
Hôrnesit IT. 153. 
Hornschwämme III, 327. 
Hornsilber I, 401. 
Hornstein III, 122. 
Hortonolith III, 268. 
Hovelit III, 181. 
Howardit II, 463. 
Hübnerit I, 394. 
Hufthiere III, 196. 
Hügelzühner III, 201. 
Humboldtilith IIT, 287. 
Humit III, 269. 
Hunde IIl, 213. 
Hungerbrunnen III, 128. 
Huronisches System I, 
46 47. 
Hyacinth III, 312. 
Hyaena antiqua III, 370. 
— eximia III, 360. 
— hipparionum III, 
— spelaea III, 106 
Hyaenarctos III, 212. 
Hyaenodon III, 211 212. 
Hyalaea III, 463. 
Hyalina III, 462. 
Hyalith II, 466. 
Hyalomelan II, 28 50. 
Hyalophan III, 279. 
Hyalosiderit IIT, 268. 
Hyalospongiae III, 331. 
Hyalotragos III, 330. 
— patella III, 330. 
Hyazinth III, 312. 
Hyazinthgranat IIT, 308. 
Hybodonten I, 117 124 
125 224 412; II 162. 
Hybodus minor ITI, 383. 
Hydra II, 128. 
Hydractineen II, 128. 
Hydrargilit II, 126. 
Hydrate II, 124. 
Hydridae IT, 128. 
Hydrobia III, 458 460. 
Hydrocerit I, 437. 
Hydrohalit I, 444. 
Hydroiden I, 50 220; 
JL, 127. 
Hydrologie I, 51. 
Hydromagnesit I, 111. 
Hydromedusen II, 127, 
Hydrophan II, 467. 
Hydrophilus II, 138. 
Hydrophit III, 267. 
Hydropit III, 262. 
Hydropolypen II, 127. 
Hydropterides II, 263. 
Hydrosphäre III, 595. 
Hydrotachylyt II, 28 51. 
Hydrotalkit IL, 127. 
Hydrozinkit I, 111. 
Hydrozoen II, 127. 
Hylaeosaurus II, 209; 
III, 148. 
Hymenocaris vermicau- 
da L, 190; TIT, 304.. 
Hymenophylleen II, 259 
Hymenophyllites 1I, 164. 
Hymenoptera II, 138. 
Hyolithes III, 302 463 
Hyotherium III, 20r. 
Hypersthen III, 259. 
Hypersthenit II, 38. 
Hypnum II, 239 242. 
— commutatum II, 243 
Hyposklerit IIT, 278. 
Hypostilbit III, 514. 
Tberit TIT, 312. 
Ichthyoidea, Ichthyoiden 
T, 16: 18. 
Ichthyodorulithen I, 224; 
IIT. 305. 
Ichthyornis IT, 210; III, 
374 395. 
— dispar IIl, 399. 
Ichthyosauren II, 163 
205 ; IIT, 144 146 161. 
Ichthyosauriden IT, 163. 
Ichthyosaurus III, 162 
Idokras III, 285. 
Idrialin I, 85. 
Iguanodon II, 209; III, 
148 155. 
Iguanodon Mantelli III, 
Ihleit IIT, 187. 
Ikositessaraeder deltoide 
Il, 303. 
Ikositetraeder II, 303. 
Tllaenus III, 304. 
Ilmenit I, 372. 
Ilvait III, 270. 
Imbricaria II, 236. 
Immen Il, 138. 
Incrustationen II, 63. 
Indices d. Krystallfláchen 
ll, 376. 
Indicolith III, 315. 
Indusien II, 136. 
Inepti III, 403. 
Infiltrationsgánge I, 5 10. 
Infusorien II, 132. 
Infusorienerde II, 223 
Injectionsgänge I, 510. 
Inoceramus II, 201 202; 
III, 448 451. 
Insectenblüthler IIT, 6. 
Insecten I, 123; II, 133. 
Insectenfresser III, 216. 
Insectivora III, 216. 
Insekten syn. Insecten. 
Inseln II, r40. 
Intaglien III, 122. 
Integripalliata, Integri- 
palliaten, III, 302 446 
Intrusionslager I, 496. 
Intrusionsgánge I, 464. 
Iolith III, 312. 
Iridium II, 426. 
Iridosmium II, 426. 
Iridplatin II, 426. 
Irisiren II, 474. 
Isastraea I, 38. 
— helianthoides II, 160 
Ischypterus I, 419. 
Isenit II, 46. 
Iserin I, 369. 
Iso&taceen II, 265. 
Isoétes Brauni II, 265. 
Isogeothermen I, 264. 
Isogonismus II, 157. 
Isomorphie II, 151. 
Isomorphismus IT, 149. 
Isopoden I, 200. 
Itacolumit IL, 57. 
Ixiolith I, 395. 
Ixodes I, 45. 
Ixolyt IT, 123. 
Jacchus III, 419. 
Jacobsit I, 369. 
Jade III, 264. 
Jadeit ITI, 266 289. 
Jagdspinnen I, 45. 
Jalpait II, 68. 
Jamesonit II, 75. 
Jarosit II, 152; III, 343. 
Jaspis III, 122. 
Jaspopal II, 467. 
Jaulingit II, 123. 
Jefferisit II, 116. 
Jeffersonit III, 262. 
Jenkinsit III, 267. 
Jerea III, 331. 
— pyriformis III, 331. 
Jochkiemer IIT, 459. 
Jodit I, 403. 
Jodobromit I, 403. 
Jodsilber I, 403. 
Jossait I, 398. 
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