Full text: Handwörterbuch der Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie (2. Abtheilung, 1. Theil, 3. Band)

5 106 
3; IIT, 
, 98. 
» 243- 
IT, 5 
I, 106 
, 106 
1 T11, 
; TI, 
Myriapoden II, 464. 
Myrica gale III, 72. 
— lignitum III, 73. 
Myricaceae III, 72. 
Myrmecium II, 160; III, 
Myrmecium hemisphae- 
ricum III, 335. 
Myrmecobiidae IIT, 793. 
Myrmecobius III, 193. 
Myrmecophaga III, 190 
Mystriosaurus II, 162; 
II, 146. 
— Chapmani III, 153. 
Mytilidae III, 449 451. 
Mytilus III, 447 451. 
Nabelschwein III, 201. 
Nacktschnecken III, 462. 
Nadeldiorit II, 33 34. 
Nadeleisenerz I, 375. 
Nadelerz II, 8o. 
Nadelhôlzer III, 3 19. 
Nadelschwämme III, 327 
Nadelzeolith III, 518. 
Nadorit I, 400. 
Nagelfluh IL, 59. 
Nagelkalk I, 99. 
Nager III, 217. 
Nagethiere IIT, 217. 
Nagyagit II, 86. 
Nakrit III, 279 280. 
Namen d. Minerale I, 61. 
Nanosaurus II, 166; III, 
147 157 163. 
Naphta II, 121. 
Nashorn, sibirisches, III, 
105 106. 
Nashórner III, 198. 
Nasturan I, 396. 
Natica I, 122; III, 302. 
Naticella costata III, 380| — confertall, 259493 
Natrolith III, 518. 
Natron III, 183. 
Natronalaun III, 185. 
Natronfeldspath III, 276| Nickelarsenkies II, 178. 
Natronglimmer IT, 108.| Nickelblüthe IT, 177. 
Natron-Misy III, 343. 
Natronsalpeter II, 154;| Nickelin IL- 179. 
IH, 182. 
Naumannit II, 83. 
Nauplius I, 186. 
Nautileen I, 122 222;| Nigrin I, 337. 
TIT, 302. 
| Nephelinleucittephrit II, 
Nautilus umbilicatus IIT, 
466 469. 
Navicula II, 225. 
— viridis II, 223. 
Necrolemur III, 218. 
Neftedegil IL, 123. 
Neftgil II, 123. 
Nemalith II, 125. 
Nemathelminthes III, 
Nematoda III, 486. 
Nemertiten III, 492. 
Nemertites III, 492. 
— Olivantii III, 492. 
Néocomien II, 206; III, 
Neotyp I, 96. 
Nepe primordialis Il, 
NephelinI, 153; III, 291. 
Nephelinbasalt II, 28 47 
Nephelinit II, 28 46. 
Nephelinphonolith IL 45 
Nephelintephrit IT, 46. 
Nephrit III, 264. 
Neréiden III, 488 49r. 
Neréiten II, 232; III, 
303 492, 
Neréites III, 492. 
— Cambrensis III, 492 
Nerinea IT, 202; III, 460. 
Nerineen II, 161. 
Neritidae III, 459. 
Neritina III, 458. 
Nesodon III, 114. 
Neubildungen von Ge- 
steinen I, 127 128. 
Neuropteren II, 134. 
Neuropteris I, 217; II, 
164; III, 382. 
Nevadit II, 42. 
Newjanskit II, 426. 
NickelantimonkieslI, 179 
Nickelgymnit II, 470. 
Nickelvitriol III, 187. 
Niederschläge I, 129. 
NigrescitII, 470; III, 259 
IIl, 242. 
Nordosaria I, 121; III, 
171.172 174: 
Nöggerathia I, 116 120 
215. IIT, 4. 
—.foliosa III, 12. 
Nohlit I, 396. 
Norit II, 27 38. 
— schiefriger II, 56. 
Noritporphyrit IT, 39. 
Noseen III, 289. 
NothosaurierIII, 144 163 
Nothosaurus III, 381 382 
— mirabilis IIL, 163. 
Nototherium III, 115 195 
— Mitchelli III, 116 195 
Nucleolites II, 161. 
Nucula IIT, 302 447 452. 
Nuculidae III, 449 452. 
Nulliporen II, 218 231. 
Nulliporenkalk II, 231 
Nummulina III, 176. 
Nummuliten IIT, 168 177 
Nummulitenkalk IT, 483. 
Nummulites III, 171 172 
— Gyzehensis III, 177- 
— ]aevigatus IIT, 177. 
Nummulitidae III, 177. 
Nuttalit IIT, 287. 
Obersilur IIT, 297. 
Obolidae IIL, 441. 
Obolus III, 301 439 441 
— Apollinis III, 301 441 
Obsidian II, 28 43. 
Octactinia I, 32 38. 
Octocorallia I, 32 38. 
Octopoden III, 479 483. 
Octopus III, 465 466. 
Oculinidae I, 42. 
Odontopteris II, 493; 
IH 16. 
— obtusa II, 494. 
— obtusiloba IT, 494. 
Odontopteryx toliapicus 
III, 402. 
Odontornithes II, 210; 
II] 396 398. 
Oellacherit II, III. 
Nilsonia III, 17. 
Nautilen I, 117; III, 466| Niobit I, 395; 11, 154. 
Nautiloiden III, 172. 
Nipaceen III, 45. 
Nautilus I, 123; II, 162| Nipadites IH, 46. 
202; III, 465 466 
467 468 460. 
— Aturi III, 469. 
Nipholith I, 437. 
— bidorsatus III, 381| Nitrate III, 132. 
— Danicus II, 205. 
— Pompilius IIT, 466 Nitrocalcit IIT, 182. 
| Okenit III, 512. 
— Bowerbanki III, 46. 
— semiteres III, 46. — viergliedrige II, 329 
Nitratin II, 154 ; III, 182. 
Nitrit II, 154; III, 182. 
Oelquellen IL, 485. 
| Oktaeder II, 297. 
m regelmissiges II, 
| 299. 
| — regulüres II, 299. 
Oktaid, orthorhombi- 
| sches, II, 358. 
| — quadratisches II, 330 
Olafit III, 278. 
| Oldhamia I, 50; II, 131. 
Oldhamia radiata I, 50. 
Olenus III, 304. 
Oligocaen III, 236 352. 
Oligoklas III, 278. 
Oligonit I, 107. 
Olivenerz II, 403. 
Olivenit II, 403. 
Olivenkupfer II, 403. 
Olivin I, 147; II, 156; 
III, 266. 
Olivinfels IIT, 266. 
Olivingabbro II, 38. 
Olivin-Norit II, 38. 
Olivinschiefer III, 266 
Omphacit II, 41. 
Omphaciteklogit II, 41. 
Omphyma III, 299. 
Onchus I, 224 412. 
— Murchisonilll, 305. 
— tenuistriatus III, 
Onegit I, 376. 
Oniscidae I, 196. 
Onychites IIT, 483. 
Onychophoren III, 491. 
Onychoteuthis III, 465 
466 478 479 483. 
Onyx III, 122. 
Oolina III, 171 174. 
Oolith II, 159. 
Oolithe II, 63. 
Oosit III, 312. 
Opal I, 135; II, 466. 
Opaline II, 466. 
Opalsinter IT, 467. 
Operculina III, 172. 
— cretacea: 111, 173. 
Ophicalcit I, 97. 
Ophidia III, 152. 
Ophidioceras III, 470. 
Ophioglossum 1I, 262. 
Ophistobranchia, Ophis- 
tobranchier III, 458, 
Ophit II, 37. 
Ophiura loricata I, 236. 
Ophiuren I, 235- 
Ophiuridae, Ophiuriden 
I, 234 235- 
Optische Eigenschaften 
II, 470. 
Orbicula III, 442. 
Orcodaphne IIT, 80. 
— foetens III, 80. 
— Heeri III, 80. 
Oreodon III, 204. 
— Culbertsoni IIT, 204 
Oreodontidae ILL, 203. 
Organismen als Vermitt- 
ler geologischer Bil- 
dungen II, 480. 
Ornithodelphia IIT, 190. 
Ornithopoden III, 157. 
OrnithorhynchuslIII, 190 
— paradoxus III, 191. 
Orodus I, 125. 
| Nitroma_nesit III, 182.| — antiqua 1,50; 11,132 
Orohippus III, 200.

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