Object: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

RK 820 Stereomicroscope with поил ted 
levels in between. Thanks to the image reversion with the RK 820 
this problem is solved once and for all. And you can also save 
costs since you do not have to recopy the negative material into 
a positive or diapositive. You only have to perform a reversion 
by means of the corresponding operator button and the negative 
becomes a positive. 
And everything the evaluator can see through the RK 820 can, of 
course, be displayed on a screen in "real time" so that at the same 
time also other observators can see the image contents and 
discuss them. Even a photo can be made from the corresponding 
image contents because on the left side of the eyepiece connec 
ting piece you can install a camera adapter. This camera adapter 
in turn has a television camera and a polaroid connection. By 
means of a rotary button you can select the required camera 
option correspondingly. 
The following is an example for the above mentioned possibili 
As you can see, with the RK 820 an evaluation aid has been 
developed making virtually all application ranges of the image 
evaluation in technical and scientific disciplines capable of inter 
pretation due to its large band width and high quality. 
Here are the most important optical data: 
Inclined image - Exavator in open-cost 
a) Trinned area 1 :1 
b) Trinned area magnification 
Motorized zoom objective 
Field of view 
lowest magnification 
50 mm 
highest magnification 
1 mm 
1000 lp/mm 
Exit pupil diameter 
with 9.lx eyepieces 
> 1.5 mm 
with 13.7x eyepieces 
> 1 mm 
Interpupillary distance 
46 to 78 mm 
Eye relief 
20 mm 
J ■ 
Dioptric range 
-4 dptr to +4dptr 

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