Metadata: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, 
reason for the rejection of a lot of IBPCO features in areas of 
low or repeatedly texture (fig.9). 
a) True correspondences b) Accepted correspondences 
Figure 7: A selection of the corresponding features 
In fig. 7 a) a selection of the true correspondence matrix 1s 
visualized which is calculated from the known transformation 
parameters between the point sets. The mentioned 
neighborhood of the features is evident within the cluster in the 
matrix. Obviously, in the upper left and lower right part no 
correspondences exist, because the used cloud patches do not 
cover the same scene completely. Fig 7 b) shows the result of 
the accepted correspondences. They are located in a preferred 
area where the viewing angle is almost collinear to the normal 
of the discrete object. 
b) False accepted 
a) True correspondence 
Figure 8: Discrete orthoimages of true and false corresponding 
Figure 9: Distribution of matched correspondences 
However, more than 80% of the accepted 16 correspondences 
conform to the true candidates. In fig. 8 an example for a true 
and a false accepted correspondence is provided. Because of the 
Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
repeated texture, the candidates can not be clearly distinguished. 
In contrary, larger grids of the discrete orthoimages would 
reduce this problem. Fig. 9 visualizes the distribution of the 
accepted correspondences. The correspondences are highlighted 
with a red circle. Further all extracted features of the IBPCO 
process in the used scene are highlighted with yellow triangles. 
The falsely accepted correspondences are highlighted with a red 
It has been illustrated, that possible corresponding candidates 
(yellow triangles) are located in the whole scene. At the same 
time only some regions show sufficient texture patterns for 
successful cross correlation. In addition to the possible 
enlargement of the discrete orthoimages, further attributes are 
needed to differentiate the candidates. For demonstration, in fig. 
10 the resulting value of the SUSAN operator is used to refine 
the matching strategy. The figure shows the candidates of the 
highest similarity. The goal is to find the adequate weights 
between all included criteria. Further investigations have to be 
made for such weighting strategy. 
Figure 10: Corresponding features matched with the resulting 
SUSAN value 
In this research the strength of the combination of laser range 
devices and photogrammetric images is shown for registration 
purposes. An operator for feature extraction is developed based 
on experience in digital image processing and point cloud 
registration. The concept is introduced and validated with a 
selection of the clouds of two view points. The results of the 
accepted correspondences are analyzed. False correspondences 
occur in cases of ambiguous texture. It is explained how to 
reduce such cases by using larger grids for the cross correlation. 
For the last stage, the calculation of transformation parameters 
from the accepted correspondences a robust method is needed. 
Therefore RANSAC (random sample consensus) published by 
Fishler and Bolles (1981) is a good strategy to detect the 
blunders. Thus, a success of 80% of true candidates is enough 
for a reliable registration. More important is the distribution of 
the candidates, which should be supervised by the 
neighborhood or topology of the candidates. 
Further investigations will be necessary to analyze the presented 
operator in more detail. Especially the thresholds according to 
the locally geometric situation should be controlled 
automatically in an intelligent way. Also different investigations 
will be made to judge the texture of the discrete orthoimage, 
e.g. with the Haralick parameters, (cf. Luhmann, 2000), that 
have to implemented in the IBPCO. 
International Archive 
MC tren dr CHER 
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