Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

graph is divided into inter and intra clusters based on the 
computed global optimum edge length. 
Generalized clustering technique uses the concept of neighbors. 
Each point in the data set has set of atleast two neighbors, but 
practically four or five in two dimensional data. The neighbors 
are selected using triangulation. The steps of proposed 
clustering technique are: 
1. The points of the data set are triangulated using 
Delaunay triangulation (Roourke, 1994; Lee et al., 
2. The edges of the triangles are used to generate edge 
graph. The neighbors of any point in the graph are the 
points in its adjacency set. 
3. Determine the closest neighbors by choosing cut-off 
edge length say p. All the edges between neighbors 
that are longer than p are removed from the graph. 
With optimum choice of p, all the edges between 
clusters would be removed and all the edges within a 
single cluster shall be preserved. The function T(p) 
gives a measure to compute the optimum p. For a 
given p value T(p) is defined as follows ( Eldershaw 
and Hegland, 1997). 
Let X be the set of lengths of edges in the graph between the 
clusters. Let Y be the set of lengths of those edges contained 
within the same cluster. 
Nx ny 
T(p) 2 (x -ix)?/n. * E (ycuy)"/ny (1) 
j=1 izl 
x; belongs to X, 
y; belongs to Y, 
= Zu Xi / Ny 
wy=2Zyi/ ny, 
and n, and n, are the number of edges in X and Y respectively. 
The optimum p value can be calculated by minimizing the 
function T(p). 
This technique is implemented in C language on SGI 
workstation. This program takes ACSII file containing X and Y 
coordinates of the point data and generates output ASCII file 
that contains cluster identification number for each point. The 
advantage is that the noise points are manifest as small clusters 
having a few data points. In the software, a provision is 
provided for the user to define noise level by giving the 
minimum number of data points in a valid cluster. The second 
component of this work is development of program to compute 
the convex hull for each cluster. The convex hull program takes 
single cluster points and computes the convex hull to envelop 
the cluster points. In order to minimize the user interaction, a 
script in korn shell is developed to automate the user 
operations. The script includes other modules for (1) extracting 
data points from binary image into ASCII coordinated and pipe 
to the cluster program; (2) sorting of clustered points based on 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002 
cluster number; (3) sequentially extracting each cluster points 
and pipe to the convex hull program; (4) writing the resulted 
clustered points and convex hull points in two files in Arc/info 
GIS UNGENERATE format (ESRI, 1992). 
The problem of spatial clustering of trees outside the notified 
forest is considered to test and evaluate the proposed technique. 
The random and discrete spatial distribution of trees outside the 
forest offers an excellent domain to test and evaluate proposed 
clustering technique. IRS-1C PAN, 512 rows and 512 columns 
(approx. 1.572 sq. km) image is processed to generate the 
binary image (figure.2) showing only trees outside the notified 
forest. This area contains 38769 pixels representing trees and 
their spatial distribution is non-continuous and discrete. This 
data is processed using the developed software for different 
values of 10, 50 and 100 as the minimum number of data points 
in a valid cluster. The generated convex hulls of clusters are 
shown in figures 3 to 5. The figure 6 shows magnified two 
clusters with their numbers and convex hulls. 
i s E Fe 
pn e 
Figure 2. Binary Image showing vegetation 
representing trees out side forest. 
B oxp + p 
D $n U + mp + Fa Ya 
RE d oF x? Nt jum SN ar + = 
+ + + y + s 
a 5 oF + p p^ S NS + > 
V M. i»? E i 
se SW « 
o RATER "4 
3 © 
> + 
Y $ 
Q ve S / Fee 
E - 
Se T e I > 
Yep, yt S 
Cy + X DD DD to 
% + t 
+ ^ NP + 
SR he Tr Y 
Pone SIS 
+ + % of 
n DO 
^) ee ; 
Figure 3. Convex hulls of clusters with number 
of 10 trees points in a valid cluster. 
(Total 304 clusters) 
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