Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

Quaternary sediments range from Upper Pleistocene to Present 
day. But only the Holocene sediments are exposed on the surface. 
This Quaternary basin was formed due to the rejuvenation of four 
groups of lineaments. The basin floor is uneven and the existing 
northward drainage pattern of the area has evolved during the 
Neogene-Quaternary period. From the tectonic evolution, it is 
evident that intra-continental Quaternary basins were formed due 
to neo-tectonic movement and there is no possibility of obtaining 
Neogene sediments in any of these areas. The presence of 
Neogene sediments in the grabens within the basin, including the 
shelf area of the Bengal basin and in the delta of Godavari and 
Krishna suggests that these areas bordering the Peninsular Upland 
of India would be the probable areas for demarcating the 
Neogene-Quaternary boundary (Rabindra K. Roy and Bidyut K. 
Ghosh, 1981). 
Multi-date IRS Wide Field Sensor (WiFS) data over Varanasi 
(Fig.1), India is employed in this study. The study area is marked 
by 82°11’ - 83°35" E latitude and 24°40’ - 25°38’ N longitude. 
This area is considered for hierarchical landuse/landcover 
classification using neural networks trained by the back 
propagation algorithm. The focus of the present work is the 
design of a hierarchy for classification of images. Initially, a 
single stage network is configured The neural network is then 
configured in a hierarchical topology and a series of small 
networks will be employed in successive stages to obtain the final 
class. In the initial classification, the study area has been broadly 
classified into water, agricultural land, forest and settlements. In 
the second stage the focus is on separating the agricultural crop 
types by limiting the pixels of interest to those that were marked 
agricultural land earlier. These pixels are further classified into 
subclasses such as early wheat, late wheat, rice, etc. This 
approach is helpful if the area of interest is limited to a portion of 
the overall image. The major crop pattern in the study area, as 
stated above, includes different crops of wheat, masoor (pulses), 
and rice with other classes being forest, urban and water bodies. 
Results and Conclusion 
The present study is being carried out to investigate the use of the 
multi-layered feed forward neural network to classify multi- 
temporal images in a hierarchical order. Principal Component 
Analysis was done with the ten dates of Varanasi multi-temporal 
data, in which six components were chosen for further 
classification. All the six components were classified using 
conventional MLC Technique (Fig 2) & single stage neural 
networks. Initial classification using single stage network is 
highly encouraging, even with sub-classification of broader 
classes, like agricultural crops which has been divided into, early 
wheat, late wheat, rice, masoor, in the present stage itself, as 
shown in the output-classified image (Fig 3) & also with the 
confusion matrix generated for the classification (Table 1). A 
comparative study also was carried with the classified output 
using conventional MLC and its matrix (Table 2). The results 
reveal the usefulness of the neural network approach in obtaining 
accurate image classification. Further, refinement is being carried 
out in this regard to generate a hierarchical chain of networks to 
have a better classification with higher accuracy as well as a back 
propagation algorithm with time varying inputs. 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India,2002 
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Qiu. Z.C 
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