Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

ified on the 
S amplitude 
27 and 1.73 
fied on both 
est neighbor 
nts ie. the 
1 DEM and 
ble 1. The 
nd minimum 
16.71244 m. 
height value 
apping. The 
erences may 
» adjustment. 
dentify more 
e image with 
ion error. 
rence in 
ght (m) 
„4574 | 
al GPS 
SAR interferometry technique provides an effective tool for 
topographic mapping. Different enhancing technique should be 
applied on amplitude image for proper identification of GCPs. 
Geocoded merged product can be further used for identification of 
GCPs and to validate interferometric products. Since the DEM 
from SAR interefrometry is in WGS 84 reference datum GPS 
measurements are required for validation of DEM. 
Balmer. R and Hartl. P. 1998. Synthetic aperture radar 
interferometry. Inverse problems, 14 , pp. R1-R54. 
Padia K N., Robert . P and Basu S. K. 1997. ‘A software 
package for height estimation using SAR interferometry’. 
Zebker H. A. and Goldstein R. M. 1986. ‘Topographic Mapping 
from interferometric synthetic aperture radar 
observations’. J. Geophys. Res. 91, pp. 4993-9 
The authors express their sincere gratitude to Dr. A.K.S. Gopalan, 
Director, Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad for inspiration, 
constant encouragement and discussions, during this study. We 
are thankful to Dr. R.R. Navalgund, the then Deputy Director 
RESA and Shri. N. S. Pillai, Associate Program Director 
(Microwave Remote Sensing) for guidance and support. We are 
grateful to our colleagues Shri Santhanu Chowdhari and Shri K. 
N. Padia for providing the necessary software and for their help 
during its execution. Useful discussion held with Dr. Shivmohan 
and Dr. R. Ghosh is thankfully acknowledged. 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India,2002 

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