IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002
Hong Kong) where sediment from the land increases the digital
count of coastal waters adequately for differentiation of turbid
river plume water from clear sea water. The authors have been
able to remove this noise by a simple method which employs a
series of median filters, leaving the main boundaries in the
image (between different water masses) essentially unchanged,
both spatially and spectrally.
2.1 Study area and images used
The area imaged is the coastline of Jambi Province, Sumatra
where, due to forest clearance, the large rivers Lagan and
Batanghari discharge into the clear waters of the Java sea
(Figure 2) creating distinct and extensive, turbid river plumes.
These freshwater plumes are buoyant relative to saltwater, and
push seawards, as a shelf, over the denser saline water,
persisting for a distance of up to 30 kilometres from the coast.
The Suspended Sediment (SS) within the plumes acts as a
tracer for the seaward extent of fresh river water. The ultimate
seaward boundary of the plumes is sharp, as are the boundaries
of smaller eddies within the larger plumes due to differing
levels of salinity creating non-mixing water masses. Image
radiance generally decreases away from the coast due to the
decay of the plumes, accompanied by lowering of the sediment
Figure 2. An 80 kilometre wide extract from LANDSAT
Thematic Mapper Band 3 (0.63-0.69um) of Path 125, Row 61,
16th May, 1992. A linear contrast enhancement has been
applied to the image. Only noise due to 16-line banding is
visible due to its linear continuity across the image.
No in-situ data on water quality are available to enable
quantification of the image radiance in terms of water
parameters which would permit estimation of the real
significance to the user of the error inherent in the observed
image noise. However, Taylor et al (2001) measured suspended
sediment from the coastal to the seaward edge of the plumes
imaged during the May dry season, the same time of year as the
present image. They estimated Suspended Sediment (SS)
concentrations ranging from approximately 100mg/l. near the
coast to less than 10mg/l. at the seaward edge of the plumes. A
further estimate of SS can be made
by applying existing regression equations derived from
LANDSAT TM experiments, to the image radiance values.
Thus a logarithmic model developed by Zia (1993) for water in
the Pearl River Delta, with a correlation coefficient of 0.992
and a mean relative error of 2.7% (Eq. 1)
Radiance (TM3) = -0.3663 + 32.385 log SS, (Eq. 1)
applied to the image data suggests an increase of approximately
5mg/l. of suspended sediment for an increase of one DN value.
This approximates the order of magnitude for sediment in the
study area observed by Taylor et al (op. cit), since DN for TM3,
of 38 in the high sedimented area near the coast, fall to 26 at the
seaward edge of the plumes. The difference in terms of
sediment is thus (38-26)*5mg/l. ie. a range of 60mg/l. across
the area sampled by Taylor et al. Therefore, in terms of the
observed vertical coherent noise, an error of +/-10mg/l. SS
could be expected due to the vertical coherent noise.
2.2 Method of noise removal
Before addressing the vertical coherent noise, the noise due to
16" line banding was removed using one-dimensional high pass
convolution filters (Crippen et al, 1989). A series of median
filters was then applied to the image iteratively using a 3*3-
pixel kernel until no further change in the image values was
observed. Secondly a 5*5-pixel kernel was applied iteratively
to the image. The iterations were stopped when the Standard
Deviation within the kernel of the previous and currently
iterated image were similar. The result of this is shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Result of iterative median filtering on image data
The traverse across the image data in Figure 4 demonstrates
that the noise removal process has indeed removed the local
noise without altering either the position of the real boundaries
in the image, or the actual magnitude of spectral difference
between the different water masses.
2.3. Signal-to-Noise ratio
The Signal-to-Noise ratio for LANDSAT Thematic Mapper is
given as 341:1 (Pease, 1991), although over low reflectance
surfaces such as waterbodies the ratio is lower due to a greatly
decreased signal. Noise patterns over water are also more
visible due to the relative homogeneity of water compared with
land areas. The signal response for areas of homogeneous
surface is calculated by averaging the pixels within a window
of a given size and the noise component is estimated by by
calculating the Standard Deviation of the pixel responses within