cency &
ng MTF Plots
. between 4
measured in
s expected to
in computed
m —3.3 m to
using DGPS
outed in TES
ection within
, of the order
Table 11: Comparison of the computed & known dimensions in
5.7 Radiance at sensor: The at-sensor radiance and ground
measured reflectance is shown in Table 12. The 11” Dec data
was subjected to atmospheric correction. The estimated
radiance for 3 targets compares well with the at-sensor
Date Bitu.Black Gray Bare Soil
(39mx39m) | (35mx35m) | (52m x 52m)
11-Dec-01 63 114 80
7-Apr-02 91 138 98
17-Apr-02 92 162 118
24-Apr-02 103 166 130
At-sensor Radiance (Estimated Radiance)
11-Dec-01 | 4.03 (3.5) 7.29 (7.71) 5.11 (4.99)
7-Apr-02 5.82 8.82 6.26
17-Apr-02 5.88 10.36 7.54
24-Apr-02 6.58 10.61 8.31
11-Dec-01 4.80 35.50 15.70
7-Apr-02 9.50 37.30 17.40
17-Apr-02 9.50 37.30 17.40
24-Apr-02 9.50 37.30 17.40
Table:12 Multi-temporal Target Parameters
= id ] |E11-Dec-01
2 M1 luir-apro2
m 14.00
5 uw
= 40.00 +
E am 4j
v ; . £f
$ 500 d 3.11 uum
5 : 4.ni
Z^ am
$ 2004 |
e E Fs usd
0.00 4 i —
Bitu Black Bare Soil Gray Lime
Fig 13 Comparison of Sensor Measured Radiance
Table-14 summarizes TES PAN sensor performance. The multi-
temporal analysis on Chharodi site with artificial and natural
targets shows consistent radiometric performance. Image
parameters viz. Along/Across SWR, MTF, Sample-scene phase,
re-constructed PSF, GSD are meeting engineering design
specification of TES PAN camera.
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002
Sr.No. | Parameter Value
| SWR at Nyquist frequency
erence Between L Along scan 0.14
Across Scan 0.25
MTF Along Scan 0.14
a&c la&dic& d 2 MTF Across scan 5
0:7 0.811.530 3 | S/N Ratio 2127
-0.9 |-5.6 | 4.67 Ground sampling Distance
0.21 |-4.5 | 4.71 4 Along scan 2 5m
0.6 10.1 10.50 Across Scan 1.0m
0.52 | 2.2 |-1.70
-0.3 | 1.9 |-2.24 Tabel: 14 Summary of TES PAN Sensor Performance
-0.3 | 0.7 |-1.01
Robert F Rauchniller, Robert A Schowengerdt, April
1988,Measurement of the Landsat Thematic Mapper
Modulation Transfer Function using an array of point
sources, Optical Engineering, Vol. 27 No.4
Magdeleine Dinguirard and Philip N Slater November
1999, Calibration of Space-Multi Spectral Imaging
Sensors, A Review: Remote . Sensing and
Robert A Schowengerdt, 1997, Remote Sensing Models and
Methods of Image Processing pp 67-111
Technical reports prepared by Project Team of TES
Payload System, Data Product System, Data Quality
Evaluation System and IRS-TES Mission System
The authors wish to thank Dr. George Joseph, Distinguished
Scientist, Dr. AKS Gopalan, Director, SAC, Dr.KL Majumdar,
Group Director, SIIPA for their encouragement and guidance
during their visit to the site. The authors gratefully acknowledge
the support received by Mr. Krishna Swamy, Project Director,
TES, Mr Keshav Raju, Mission Director, TES and Mr DM Rao,
Ground Segment Co-ordinator. We also acknowledge Mr.AK
Shukla for his tremendous effort in the development of test site
designing and deploying artificial targets in time as a team
member. We are also grateful to Mr.AS Kirankumar, Group
Director, EOSG for all his valuable suggestion and discussion.