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IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India,2002 
Where, P is one of the GPs (CLW / IWV / OWS / SST). Tb, - Tb 
10 GHz, Tb, = Tb 18 GHz, and Tb;= Tb 21 GHz. Suffix to Tb, V 
& H, represents Vertical and Horizontal polarized Tb values. 
Equation gives CLW in mg cm?, IWV in g cm, OWS in ms’, 
and SST in K. The value of regression coefficients is given in 
table 5. 
Table 5: Value of regression coefficients for retrieval of GPs. 
Coefficient CLW IWV OWS SST 
ao -237.7 42.31 3345.0 3345.0 
a; 0.0 4.28 270.0 270.0 
a, -296.9 -1.71 -30.56 -30.56 
az 119.4 -2.23 -2.08 -2.08 
bi 0.0 -8.19 -569.4 -569.4 
b; 242.3 14.73 42.63 42.63 
bs -133.0 —7.39 24.20 24.20 
€ 0.0 -12.89 -494.3 -494.3 
Cy 494.7 9.00 96.85 96.85 
C3 -396.2 -3.38 57.62 57.62 
The equation 1 given above is involving terms with Tb from 10, 
18 and 21 GHz channels However, the retrieval of CLW does not 
require 10 GHz brightness temperature and hence terms involving 
10 GHz Tbs are forced to zero by the corresponding regression 
coefficients. The other statistical details of the multiple regression 
are given in table 6. 
Table 6: Statistical details of colocated MSMR and TMI data 
Parameter No. Value of Parameter R Error 
of Min. Max. of 
Points Estimation 
CLW 452 0 156.4 0.82 8.75 
mg cm? mg cm? mg cm? 
IWV 769 0.7 6.2 0.97 0.31 
g cm? g cm? g cm? 
OWS 769 0.54 18.4 0.78 1.86 
ms! ms”! ms”! 
SST 642 13.24 31.62 0.89 1.81 
K K K 
In the table 6, the second column represents the number of valid 
data sets for establishing multiple regression. The third column 
provides the minimum and maximum values of respective GP 
(from TMI) in colocated data set. The fourth column gives the 
value of multiple correlation between GP and different terms in 
respective retrieval equation. The fifth, and the last column, 
provides error of estimation as estimated from the colocated data 
set. It can be seen that this data set represent large dynamic range 
of parameters in the given latitudinal range (+ 40°). 
MSMR provides global coverage in 2 days, so we used the 
algorithms for GPs to generate 2-day averaged and monthly fields 
and provided them with corresponding SSM/I and MSMR- 
operational GP fields on same scales for comparison. In the 
succeeding sections of this paper, we will refer the GPs derived 
from the equation 1 as MSMR empirical GPs and those derived 
using operational algorithm (Gohil et al, 2000) as MSMR 
operational GPs. 
As can be seen from table 2 and 5 that accuracy of all the 
parameters is well comparable. There is however marginal 
deterioration of accuracy in case of retrieval of IWV and 
significant improvement in case of retrieval of CLW using 
empirical algorithm. It may be recalled that the CLW provided as 
operational product was not found in reasonable agreement with 
other satellite. So the improvement in the retrieval of CLW is a 
significant achievement of the present study. It may further be 
seen from table 3 and 4, that achieved accuracies of MSMR 
operational IWV and CLW was worse than theoretical accuracy 
when compared with TMI and/or insitu measurements; the 
accuracy of operational OWS was better with insitu, but worse 
with TMI; and the accuracy of operational SST was found better 
with insitu. With all this in consideration, the accuracies provided 
in table 5 are very encouraging. 
MSMR - Cloud Liquid Wat 
1-2 August 1 
> (mg/cme2) 
MSMR (Operational) - Cloud Liquid Woler (mq/cree2) 
1-2 August 1999 
5 19 15 20 25 30 3H 40 45 50 
Fjg-1: Global distribution of averaged CLW from MSMR empirical 
algorithm (upper panel), SSM/I (middle panel) and MSMR- 
operational algorithm (lower panel) for 1-2 Aug. 1999. 
Using present empirical algorithm, we have further plotted 
average CLW, IWV, OWS and SST for 2-days of August 1999 (1 
—2 August). Empirical algorithms are statistically tuned to the 
actual measurements (by regression) and hence they often defy 
the natural limits of the variability of the parameter. For that 
reason, we have taken dynamic range of CLW from 0-500 mg cm 
2 IWV from 0 — 8 g cm, OWS from 0 — 35 m cm”, and SST 
from 14-32 K for our area of interest (global within +40° 
latitudes). These limits of the GPs are based on limits of the 
microwave retrieval of the respective parameters and from 
climatology of the study area. The microwave measurements of 
IWV, OWS and SST are affected by the presence of clouds and 

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