Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

s (1999) 
icts of 
th to 30 th 
[APRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India,2002 
Segment number Model predicted Plant height as on observe date Observation date 
height (cm) from GT (cm) (Ground truth) 
1 30.4 30 9th august'99 
2 45.7 46 11th August'99 
3 30.4 30 9th August'99 
4 25.4 25 8th august'99 
5 30.4 30 9th August'99 
6 25.4 28 9th august'99 
Table 4. Validation of the predicted height computed by the model and ground data of Orissa of the year 1999. 
This study demonstrates the importance of multi-temporal SAR 
data in the retrieval of transplantation date in case of rainfed 
rice environment. The transplantation date is considered to be 
an important parameter in case of rice crop monitoring. The 
progress of transplantation pattern over a particular area can act 
as an important input for crop management practices, cropping 
system analysis as well as for generating crop calendar. The 
generation of transplantation date map of rice area progres- 
sively throughout the season has been found advantageous, 
which enables to predict the behaviour of rice growing areas as 
well as rice growth conditions. 
We would like to place on record deep sense of gratitude to 
Shri J.S. Parihar, Group Director, ARG /RESA for his keen in- 
terest and constant encouragement during the completion of 
this work. The authors are also grateful to all the colleagues and : 
friends for moral boost and support while carrying out this 
work successfully. 
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