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Bhattacharya distance. A spectral distance of 1.75 was used as 
the minimum cut-off point for good feature discrimination. 
A total of I5 class pairs for each texture measure were 
analysed. For the three dates this resulted into 45 class pairs 
and for the four texture measures a grand total of 180 class 
pairs were analysed. From the spectral separability based on 
Bhattacharya distance, different class pairs were chosen which 
could be separable. For the window size of 3x3, the feature 
discrimination was possible only between cotton - urban and 
pearl millet - urban in Entropy and Angular Second Moment 
only in the first date data. In the window size of 7x7, the 
discrimination increased in Contrast, Entropy and ASM both in 
the first date and the second date, from the 3x3 window. In the 
third date. however, the feature discrimination was not 
significant. A total of 36 pairs of spectrally distinct classes 
emerged. For a 15x15 window size, a total of 57 pairs of 
spectrally distinct classes evolved in Contrast, Entropy and 
ASM. In a 25x25 window size, 74 spectrally distinct class 
pairs were observed and Correlation measure resulted in 11 
pairs of such classes. On increasing the window size to 31x31, 
the increment in distinct class pairs over 25x25 window size 
was only two. Figure 1 illustrates the number of separable 
classes under different window sizes and texture measures. 
July 18 data 
Separable Class pairs 
15x15 31x31 
Window sizes 
ÆCont. ElEnt. BASM E Corr. 
3x3 7X7 25x25 
Fig 1. Comparison of texture measures under different window 
sizes for first date. 
By the first date of satellite pass, the crops were already sown 
and they were in seedling or early vegetative stage. As the row 
spacing in cotton is between 125 and 150 cm., the soil exposure 
was very high and it contributed significantly to the 
backscattered signal. For pearl millet the row spacing was 70- 
75 cm. The soil was wet at many fields and this caused 
differential backscatter in these fields. The harrowing of soil in 
row direction for different fields caused different. textural 
signatures. The entropy and contrast were low because most of 
the contribution was from soil and ASM dominated in most of 
the window sizes. The fields had heterogeneity with respect to 
wetness, roughness and row orientation. The RMS of soil 
roughness was of the order of around 5-6 cm. Which was of the 
order of the wavelength of microwave. 
On the second date, the crop had grown marginally in the case 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India,2002 
of cotton and pearl millet was in vegetative stage. Rice was in 
early tillering stage. Contrast, Entropy and ASM showed same 
number i.e. 8, of distinct class pairs in 25x25 and 31x31 
window sizes, but the distinct crop class pairs was more in 
ASM than in Contrast and Entropy. Figure 2 shows the changes 
in texture measures caused by crop growth. 
August 11 data 
Separable class pairs 
15x15 31x31 
Window Sizes 
Cont. p] Ent. Bj ASM Ei Corr. 
Figure 2. Comparison of texture measures under different 
window sizes for second date. 
By the third date, the crop had reached the vegetative stage and 
the canopy cover over soil was around 60-70 percent. The 
texture in the image was due to the different backscatter caused 
by volume scattering of the canopy coupled with the soil 
background. Maximum number of class pairs was 
distinguishable in 25x25 and 31x31 window sizes. However, 
ASM and Correlation measures showed a fall in the number of 
class pairs. This can be due to the fact that, the average 
synthetic field sizes do not exceed 5 ha and with a pixel 
spacing of 12.5 m a 31x31 window could cause a change in the 
crop type. Secondly, the crop stages were also similar causing 
small differences in backscatter. But the distinct crop class 
pairs were more in Entropy and ASM. 
Sept. 04 data 
Separable Class pairs 
3x3 7x7 25x25 : 31x31 
Window Sizes 
Ei Cont. rj Ent. Bg ASM Ej Corr. 
Figure 3. Comparison of texture measures for third date

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