Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002 
[ Edit layer weight 1. Level RE 
| Layer name 1 Layer stddey. { Weight | i entre scene 
| subset:img (1) (11.3) 1.0 : new level 
| 4: subset. img (2) (13.7) 1.0 i 
| subsetimg (3) (16.0 10 a 
| | subsetimg (4) (14.6) 1.0 Few eri 
| 1 subset iria (5) (1) 1.0 ada 
| { subsetimg (6) (6.3) 1.0 
| subset img (7) (6.6) 1.0 
subset.img (8) (6.2) 1.0 
| subset. img (9) (4.2) 1.0 i 
| mii 
| Image layers | Select and edit weights: | 
[Scale parameter-—----3. ; Composition of homageneity criterion. «ce 
E laa emu Due JIE 
1 Segmentation mode - Critetion == ,« Smoolhness Jos 
E Shape fo 2 ; 
| [Normal zi Compactness loi 
Figure 20. Software Settings that Regulate Object 
Identification, Size, and Shape. 
Figure 21. Segmentation of an Aster Image of Garmsar, Iran. 
Plot Boundaries are Easily Detected. 
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Agro-Ecosystems. Doctoral Thesis, Wageningen 
University and Research Centre, The Netherlands; ITC 
dissertation no. 75, Enschede, The Netherlands. ISBN 90- 
5808-253-9. 232 pages, 39 tables, 67 figures. 
eCognition v2.1, Object Oriented Image Analysis. Definiens 
Imaging GmbH, Munich, Germany. 
FAO, 1996, Guidelines: Agro-ecological zoning. FAO Soils 
Bulletin 73. FAO, Rome. 
IMSD, 1995, Integrated Mission for Sustainable Development 
Madnur Area, Nizamabad District, AP. Integrated Survey 
Group, NRSA, Dept.of Space, Gvt.of India. Hyderabad. 
Kameswara Rao, S.V.C., 1995, Cropping Pattern Analysis using 
Temporal IRS-LISS II Data - A Case Study of Madnur 
Watershed, Nizamabad District, AP. Agric.and Soil 
Division, IIRS, NRSA, Dept.of Space, Gvt.of India. 
Young, A. 1998, Land Resources, Now and for the Future. 
Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521-785596 
(paperback). 319 pp. 

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