Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

JAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
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The conclusion from this research is that the most suitable 
filters are: 
1. Gamma MAP where computing time availability is 
2. Simulated annealing if computing time is readily 
2.4 Processing chain 
The overall purpose of this paper is to examine the use of radar 
data for fraud detection. From the results of the filter evaluation 
we can conclude that SAR data can be used as a suitable tool 
for operational agricultural field monitoring and so we can 
develop a processing chain to provide a field monitoring 
system. Not all the elements of this processing chain are 
described in this paper, but figure 2 presents the components of 
the chain using the SAR data discussed here. 
SPOT data 
Maps and 
digital data 
SAR data Principal ; Maximum Tag EE — 
Simulated —> | Components Masking ^ H—*|  Likelihood NT E 
annealing Analysis Classification Statistics and |: 
CHEN ' # 
area data 
Figure 2. The preferred processing chain for potato field 
identification and monitoring. 
In sustainable agriculture it is important to have a reliable and 
regular data supply, and figure 2 shows how radar data can 
used as a key input to the production of maps, digital data and 
area statistics for agricultural areas. 
3.1 Context 
Satellite radar data respond to two environmental components 
in a radar scene, roughness and moisture content. The data on 
moisture can potentially be used to detect changes in crop and 
soil moisture. If such changes are the result of illegal irrigation 
then radar data can be used to detect such fraud. 
3.2 CHIPS model 
The key environmental variable that we require to measure in 
connection with irrigation is moisture, that is the moisture of 
the soil or the crop (or a combination of the two) in a radar 
scene. A new model has been developed to exploit radar 
backscatter data for this purpose. The model is termed 
Controlled Hydrology and Irrigation Practice with SAR 
(CHIPS). CHIPS is a coupled water use and radar backscatter 
model that links radar return to irrigation applications through a 
series of physically based equations (Graham, 2001). The full 
details of CHIPS are given in Graham (2001): this paper 
presents some of the key features and table 2 summarises the 
main outputs of the CHIPS model. 
The CHIPS model was used to simulate soil moisture and crop 
canopy moisture for a set of test fields growing potatoes in the 
Cambridgeshire Fens area, UK. The period of simulation 
covered 183 days from 1 April 1999 to 30 September 1999. 
Modelling scale Single field 
Number of soil layers Two 
Dimensionality 1 dimension 
Soil type User defined 
Evapotranspiration equation Penman-Monteith 
Planting date User defined, Variable 
Haulm destruction date User defined, Variable 
Emergence date Variable 
Maximum canopy height User defined, Variable 
Surface resistance calculation MORECS method 
Outputs Cumulative PE 
Cumulative AE 
AE - 2 layers + crop 
SMD - 2 layers 
Moisture - 2 layers 
Moisture - crop 
Canopy cover 
Canopy height 
Radar backscatter 
Table 2. Characteristics of the CHIPS model. PE = potential 
evapotranspiration, AE = actual evapotranspiration, MORECS 
= The Meteorological Office Rainfall and Evaporation 
Calculation System. Source: Graham, 2001. 
The CHIPS model uses the water cloud model (Attema and 
Ulaby 1978) to simulate SAR backscatter for a given field. 
Figure 3 plots 1999 ERS-2 SAR backscatter against backscatter 
simulated in the CHIPS model for 15 data points from eight 
potato fields, mainly for dates where a crop canopy is present. 
The coefficient of determination (r) value of 0.81 shows the 
good fit of the simulated with the actual backscatter. The 
regression line is almost coincident with the 1:1 line suggesting 
that the model, and its inherent assumptions, is sufficient to 
improve the simulation of radar backscatter values when 
compared to traditional methods using in situ data (Graham, 
Actual backscatter (dB) 
(gp) 1e3e9syeq pere[nuis SdiHO 
Figure 3: Plot of actual versus simulated backscatter (dB) 
bounded by the 95% confidence intervals. The 1:1 line is also 
The CHIPS model can be used to estimate soil moisture and 
vegetation canopy moisture. The soil moisture estimates are 
calculated for two layers in the soil: soil layer 1 corresponds to 
0-10 cm depth and soil layer 2 corresponds to 11-70 cm depth 
which is the rooting zone for potatoes. Figures 4 and 5 show 

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