Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
Table 3. Soil suitability classification vis-a-vis limitations 
Drainage, texture, erosion, pH, slope 
Soil series Crops Suitability Soil-site limitations 
Hingni-1 Cotton N1 Depth, erosion, slope, stoniness gravels. 
Pigeonpea NI . Depth, erosion, slope, stoniness 
Sorghum N1 Slope, erosion, depth 
Soybean N1 Depth, slope, erosion, stoniness, relative humidity 
Banana N1 Depth, slope, erosion, stoniness 
Hngni-2 Cotton S3 Depth, erosion 
Pigeonpea NI Depth, slope, erosion 
Sorghum S3 Depth, slope, erosion, 
Soybean NI Depth, slope, erosion, texture, pH, relative humidity 
Banana N1 Depth, slope, erosion : 
Hingni-3 Cotton S2 Depth, erosion 
Pigeonpea S3 Depth, erosion 
Sorghum S2 Depth, erosion 
Soybean S2 Depth, erosion, texture, pH, relative humidity 
Banana S3 Depth, erosion 
Hingni-4 Cotton SI Slope, erosion, drainage, CaCO; 
Pigeonpea S1 Slope, erosion, drainage, texture 
Sorghum S1 Slope, erosion, drainage, texture, CaCOs, pH 
Soybean S2 Texture, pH, slope, erosion, relative humidity 
Banana S2 Drainage, texture, erosion, pH, slope 
Hingni-5 Cotton S1 Slope, erosion, drainage, CaCO;' gravels 
Pigeonpea S1 Slope, erosion, drainage, texture, CaCO; gravels 
Sorghum S1 Slope, erosion, CaCO;, texture CaCO; pH 
Soybean S2 Texture, CaCO;, pH, relative humidity 
Banana S2 
Table 4. Areal extent of soils of Hingni village under different suitability classes for major crops 
Areal extent of soil under major crops 
Suitability Cotton Pigeonpea Sorghum Soybean Banana 
Classes Area Area Area Area Area 
ha % Ha % ha % ha % ha % 
Highly suitable | 304.6 52.7 304.6 52.7 304.6 52.711 [<= -- -- -— 
Moderately 123.0 21.3 -- -- 123.0 213 1427.6 74.0 | 304.6 82.7 
suitable (S2) 
Marginally 71.0 12.3 123.0 21.3 71.0 12.3 -- -- 123.0 21:3 
suitable (S3) 
Currently not | 49.3 8.5 120.3 20.8 | 493 8.5 120.3 20.8 120.3 20.8 
suitable (N1) 

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