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toposheets on 1: 50,000 scale. The Siyana block covers about
18079 ha area, encompassing 35 villages and one town (Census,
1991). The Ganga River flows in the eastern side of the block.
The climate of the area is sub-tropical monsoon type with
moderately cold and dry winter and hot summer. There are two
major soil orders in the study area viz. Entisols and Inceptisols
and eight soil series identified in the study area.
Fig. 1 : Location map of study area
For the present study, IRS-1D, LISS-III data of summer season
(May 2000) was used, because during this period, no major crops
were present in the field. The image of study area was
geometrically rectified with respect to Survey of India (SOI)
topographical maps on 1:50,000 scale. Tehsil map on 1:63,360
scale from Dept. of Census was used for extracting study area
boundary and preparation of village map. Tehsil map of study
area was brought on 1:50,000 scale using affine transformation
technique of ARC/INFO software. Projected study area boundary
was overlaid on rectified image and study area was extracted.
False color composite was generated using near infrared, red and
green band of LISS-III data. Using ground truth information
training sites were marked for young mango orchard, (orchard
with age >5 to < 15 years) old mango orchard (orchard with age >
15 years), current fallow, crop, water body, aquatic weed and
Maximum likelihood supervised classification algorithm was used
for mango orchard area estimation. The area covered by aquatic
weeds alongwith the canal and the ponds were masked before
classification of image. Accuracy of digital classification of
various landuse classes was assessed using the confusion matrix.
GIS analysis techniques were used for village- wise mango
orchard acreage estimation. Land evaluation is the process of
estimating the potential for alternative kind of use. FAO
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002
framework of land evaluation (FAO, 1983) was employed in this
study to assess the potential soil suitability of mango crop using
GIS based integration analysis. For this purpose, available soil
map of the Siyana block (RSAC-U.P, 1998) was used. The soil
suitability of mango was assessed based on land qualities of soil
For this, criteria of land qualities rating for mango orchard
developed by Agriculture and Soils Division of Indian Institute of
Remote Sensing, Dehradun were used. (2001).
The study has clearly demonstrated the usefulness of IRS-1D,
LISS-III data for acreage estimation of mango orchards and
identifying the two age groups of mango orchards, viz. Orchards
having trees between 5 to 15 years of age (young orchard) and
orchards having trees more than 15 years of age (old orchard).
The acreage estimation of different landuse categories on the
basis of IRS-1D, LISS-III data is given in Table: 1. Existing
mango orchard distribution map is presented in Fig. 3. The total
26.75 per cent mango orchard area was found, in which young
orchard is 5.95 % and old orchard is 20.8096 of the total study
area (18079 ha). The spectral response of mango orchard along
with other land cover classes is presented in fig: 2 in the form of
mean D.N. values of spectral band. The false colour composite
(FCC) image of IRS-1D, LISS-III of the study area was digitally
classified. The classified images presented in figure 3. It was
found that satellite data of summer season is suitable for mango
acreage estimation.
Landuse Classes Area (ha) %
Old Mango orchard (>15 | 3756.29 20.8
Young mango orchard (5-15 1075.23 5.95
Current fallow 8704.90 48.2
Crop 4109.07 22.7
Settlement 347.92 1.93
Aquatic weed 4.97 0.03
Canal ! 53.4 0.3
Water body 27.28 0.15
Total 18079.06 100
Table-1: Area Statistics of Mango and other landuse classes
150 pz —0—ciop
2 1001. —iit— fallow
S sui
z 501 mango old
= 3
0 —% mango
bandi band2 band3 young
—3J*- settlement
Fig 2: Spectral Response Curve of mango and other classes.