Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

| is 0.3 
) was 
nt and 
> from 
role to 
3, was 
Direct/diffuse ratio — ^ 
eme to 
1000 7—————Sensitivity : alfa turbidity parameter 
b : 5 
(b) total insolation | [ 28 
- - - -Direct/diffus 
e 24 
£900 4 20 
2 alfa=0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 
= —_— r 169 
= = 
s [ 125 
3 200147720717 Nm cat Leda alfa=0.0 = 
- 8 
op wie sw vw wm nme my maw wim es mes alfa=0.5 
ade ed E um m'a m'a di nq bet m e w m M S alfa=1.0 
Migebee er m ms. mane ms 4 m se alfa=2.0r 4 
700 ; T T T T T T 0 
330 335 340 345 350, 355 360 365 370 
Fig 1. (b) 
Sensitivity : beta turbidity parameter 
Total insolation wm) 
po © 
un Hu i 
co os 
oO — 
o 8 
total insolation l. 10 
= = direct/diffuse 
700 ACT HE là 
Julian day 
Fig 1. (c) 
There. was a decrease in total insolation with increase in 
precipitable water (w), but direct/diffuse ratio remained almost 
unaltered with increase in w. The decrease in insolation was 
about 20% for w values between 0.0-0.5cm. But the rate of 
decrease in insolation was less for w values beyond 0.5cm. 
While there were less effects on total insolation to changes in c 
turbidity parameter, the direct-diffuse ratio was substantially 
reduced with increase in o. The rate of decrease is more for a 
between 0.0-0.5. Similarly, the increase in B from 0.0 to 0.1 
resulted in 80% decrease in direct-diffuse ratio. The rate of 
decrease in ratio was relatively less for B beyond 0.1. In 
contrary to c, there was 2-596 reduction in total insolation with 
increase in p. 
3.2 Validation of daily total surface insolation 
For validation, the retrieved daily and pentad mean (five day 
average) daily total surface insolation for the period 1st to 30th 
December 1998 were compared with the insolation derived by 
one of the conventional methods which is called bright sunshine 
hours (BSS) method. 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India,2002 
E Mean absolute bias=1.8968 MJm 
= 201R°=055 
9 454 . v e 
E e 
9 10- 
g v, ve 
$ 51 * 6 € * 
0 I i T 1 
0 5 10 15 20 25 
BSS derived (MJm ?) 
Fig2. Validation of retrieved daily total insolation for the 
period 1% to 30™ December 1998 over six stations in India 
The 1:1 line in the figure 2 showed that the mean absolute bias 
(MAB) between retrieved and BSS derived daily total was 
1.8968 MJm? with R2-0.55. But the MAB has been reduced to 
1.762 MJm? (fig 3) between pentad mean daily total retrieved 
and BSS derived insolation with high R of 0.61. The pentad 
mean daily insolation image product over India is shown in 
figure 3. 
vc 20 = 
= Mean absolute bias=1.762 MJm 
< 45 {R*=0.61 
3 t 
d + «t? . 
s 10 41 $ e n d ee 
e e 
9 9 
0 0 ‘ : : 
0 5 10 15 20 
BSS derived (MJm?) 
Fig 3. Validation of five-day average daily total surface 
insolation during December 1998 over six stations in 
The cloud movement and persistence , the total atmospheric 
precipitable water are two highly variable parameters spatially 
and temporally throughout the day which influence the 
scattering and absorption processes of insolation to a great 
extent. The present study has three limitations, which seemed 
to have resulted into observed deviations between retrieved and 
BSS derived insolation. Only five image acquisitions between 
5:00 to 17:00hrs. IST instead of hourly/half-hourly slots are 
used to derive daily total. This might not have truly represented 
the clear and cloudy conditions. The NOAA AVHRR TOVS 

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