Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

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IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India, 2002 
A reconnaissance soil survey of the area was undertaken 
following standard procedures (All India Soil and Landuse 
Survey,1972). Soil samples from different horizons were 
collected, processed and analysed (Soil Conservation 
Service,1972). The morphological and  physico-chemical 
characteristics of the soils were correlated with the 
physiography and soil-physiography relationship established. 
The soils were classified as per Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey 
Staff, 1975) and Keys to Soil Taxonomy (USDA, 1996). The 
soil map of the area was prepared on 1:50000 scale. 
To determine the quality of ground water for irrigation, water 
samples were randomly collected from 325 running tubewells 
and their location was marked on the base map. The samples 
were analysed for various chemical constituents. On the basis of 
electrical conductivity (EC) and residual sodium 
carbonate(RSC), these waters were grouped into four categories 
and the ground water quality map was finalised on 1:50000 
The soils and ground water quality maps were digitised and 
integrated using ILWIS 2.1 GIS software to identify soil-water 
related constraints and generate resource constraint map. Based 
on soil and water related constraint map, the action plan map 
for sustainable agriculture in the area was generated. 
4.1 Physiography and Soils 
Physiographically, the area has been divided into two major 
units viz., alluvial plain and sand dunes. Based on tone, texture 
etc., alluvial plain has been classified into five categories. The 
alluvial plain with sand cover (Ap1), alluvial plain with mixed 
tone (Ap2), alluvial plain with dark tone (Ap3), micro basin 
(Ap4) and alluvial plain with salt encrustation (Ap5) cover 6.7, 
42.0, 47.0, 0.7 and 0.2. per cent of the total geographical area, 
respectively. The sand dunes occupying 2.1 per cent area are 
observed as low ridges within the alluvial plain. They are of 
fluvial origin, deposited by the Satluj River, which was flowing 
through the area in the past. 
The soils of the area exhibit a great deal of heterogeneity with 
respect to texture depending upon the topographic position (Fig. 
2). The pH of soils varied from 8.5 to 9.0 indicating alkaline 
nature which is mainly due to calcareous parent material. The 
pH of the salt affected soils varied from 9.9 to 10.1. The EC of 
normal and salt affected soils varied from 0.08 to 1.00 dS/m 
and 4.04 to 11.23 dS/m, respectively. The organic carbon 
content of the soils varied from 0.03 to 0.35 per cent. Calcium 
and magnesium are the dominant bases on the exchange 
complex followed by Na and K. 
The soils from stable landforms qualify for the orders 
Inceptisols and Aridisols depending upon their location and 
climatic condition. Due to mixed mineralogy and hyperthermic 
temperature regime, at family level these soils key out as: i) 
Coarse loamy, mixed, hyperthermic Typic Ustochrepts, ii) 
Fine loamy, mixed, hyperthermic Typic Ustochrepts, 
iii) Coarse loamy, mixed, hyperthermic Typic Halaquepts, iv) 
Coarse loamy, mixed, hyperthermic Aeric Halaquepts. 
However, in the aridic zone, the moderately developed soils key 
out as: i) Coarse loamy, mixed, hyperthermic Ustic 
Haplocambids, ii) Fine loamy, mixed, hyperthermic Ustic 
Haplocambids. The soils from less stable landforms viz. sand 
dunes (Sb) and alluvial plain with sand cover (Apl) are 
classified as Entisols. At family level, these soils key out as: i) 
Mixed, hyperthermic Typic Ustipsamments ii) Mixed, 
hyperthermic Ustic Torripsamments. 
4.2 Ground Water Quality for Irrigation 
The ground waters of the area are alkaline in reaction (pH 
27.0). They have varying levels of salinity (0.31 to 7.53 dS m 
1, sodium adsorption ratio (1.4 to 70.14 [me LY: ) and RSC 
(nil to 16.00 me L'!). Na* is the dominant cation and its value 
ranged from 1.74 - 83.93 me L''. Among the anions, HCO 
concentration varied from 0.5 to 21.5 me L!, whereas 
concentration of CI and so”, varied from 1.00 to 51.30 and 
0.83 to 48.33 me L", respectively. The results show that highly 
saline waters are dominant in CI and SO?, ions rather than 
CO?%; and HCO; ions (Table 1). 
The ground water quality map (Fig. 3) shows that good, 
marginal-saline, marginal-sodic and poor quality ground water 
occupies 40.5, 7.3, 43.3 and 8.8 per cent of total geographical 
Table 1 Chemical composition of ground waters 
Chemical Constituent Range Mean 
pH 7.19-9.75 8.54 
EC (dSm™) 0.31-7.53 2.00 
Na* 1.74-83.93 23.20 
Ca”* + Mg”* 1.30-38.80 9.64 
K* 0.09-1.79 0.48 
co 0.00-10.00 2.40 
HCO, 0.50-21.50 4.97 
Cr 1.00-51.30 8.70 
so”, 0.83-48.33 9.60 
RSC 0.00-16.00 3.69 
SAR (meL™)!? 1.4 - 70.14 10.23 
4.3 Soil-Water Related Constraints 
Based on the integration of soil and ground water quality maps, 
following three major constraints in the study area were 
identified (Table 2, Fig. 4). 
4.3.1 Coarse Textured Soils: The study area has a number of 
sand dunes of various dimensions covering 2.2 per cent area of 
the district. These are of longitudinal type without showing any 
preferred orientation. The sand dunes are of fluvial origin 
deposited by the Satluj River, flowing through the area in the 
past. The soils are coarser in texture and have poor structure. 
These soils are highly permeable with very low water and 
nutrient holding capacity. Removal of natural vegetative cover 
resulting from excessive grazing and the extension of 
agriculture to marginal areas etc. are the major hurnan induced 
factors leading to accelerated wind erosion. Because of high 
infiltration rate and low moisture storage capacity, about 30 to 
50 per cent of the water percolates down the profile after each 
heavy rainfall. 
4.3.2 Soil Salinity Associated with Water Logging: The 
incidence of salinity in high water table area of Punjab, 
predominantly in Faridkot district where ground water is saline, 
is increasing. Contributing factors include seepage from canals 
and field channels, sub surface flow from adjoining uplands, 
limited gradient (< one meter in 2.3 Km) and poor soil physical 

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