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IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
Agriculture-/: In the alluvial plain with sand cover (Apl), 
having light to medium texture soils and good quality ground 
water, crops like wheat, gram, barley, bajra, moong, groundnut, 
sesamum and cotton can be grown successfully. Agriculture IT: 
In the alluvial plain with sand cover (Apl), having light to 
medium texture soils and saline ground water, salt tolerant 
crops like wheat, oats, gram, barley, oilseeds and cotton can be 
grown. The saline ground water should be used alternatively 
with canal water or after mixing with canal water. Agriculture 
III: In alluvial plain (Ap2 and Ap3) with medium to heavy 
texture soils and saline ground water, high salt tolerant crops 
like rice, cotton, barley and sugarbeet are recommended. The 
ground water should be used after mixing/alternate with canal 
water. Agriculture IV: Sodium tolerant crops like wheat, barley, 
berseem, cotton, raya, and sugarcane are recommended in areas 
having light to medium texture soils (Apl) and sodic ground 
waters. The amendments like gypsum should be used alongwith 
the sodic ground waters to reduce the harmful effects of 
Agriculture V: However, in alluvial plain (Ap2 and Ap3) with 
medium to heavy texture soils and sodic ground water, high 
sodium tolerant crops like rice, sugarbeet and bermuda grass are 
recommended. The ground waters in these areas should be 
used with recommended doses of gypsum (based on EC, RSC 
and SAR of ground waters). 
Forestry I: Plantation with species like Pahari Kikar (Prosopis 
juliflora), Kikar (Acacia nilotica), Jand and Ber in low sand 
dune areas is recommended. Forestry II: Reclamation of salt 
affected cum waterlogged area and bring them under plantation 
with species such as Safeda (Eucalyptus spp.), Pahari Kikar 
(Prosopis juliflora), Kikar (Acacia nilotica) and Neem 
(Azadirachta indica), which act as biopumps. In alluvial plain 
areas with brackish ground waters, apart from above mentioned 
forestry species, Eucalyptus and Dek can also be grown. In 
areas having assured availability of canal water, agriculture can 
is the best bet. 
Agrohorticulture I: Promotion of horticultural crops (Grapes, 
Kinnow) in marginal lands having good ground waters, along - 
with gram, groundnut and moong. Agrohorticulture II: 
Prometion of agrohorticulture with fruit plants like Ber, Guava 
and Amla and oilseeds (Mustard, Toria) in sand dune area 
having saline or sodic ground waters, after their leveling and/or 
The authors are grateful to Mr. P.K. Litoria and Mr. Ajay 
Mathur, Scientists of Punjab Remote Sensing Centre, for their 
technical support during the course of this study. 
All India Soil and Land Use Survey, 1972. Soil Survey Manual. 
IARI, New Delhi. 
Dumanski,J., Eswaran,H. and Latham,M., 1992. A proposal for 
an international framework for evaluating sustainable land 
management. In : Evaluation for Sustainable Land Management 
in the Developing World, Vol. 2, IBSRAM, Bangkok, Thailand, 
pp. 25-45. 
Soil Conservation Service, 1972. Soil Survey Laboratory 
Methods and Procedures for Collecting Soil Samples. USDA 
Soil Survey Investigation Report I, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 
Washington D.C. 
Soil Survey Staff, 1975. Soil Taxonomy — A Basic System of 
Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys. 
USDA Hand Book 436, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 
Washington, D.C. 
UNCED, 1992. Preliminary Report Rio de Janeiro. June 1992 
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. 
USDA, 1996. Keys to Soil Taxonomy. USDA, U.S. Govt. 
Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 
Van Wambeke, A., 1985. Calculated Soil Moisture and 
Temperature Regimes of Asia. Soil Management Support 
Service, Soil Conservation Service, USDA, Washington, 

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