Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

3) vs. 
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Table 3, 
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f a map- 
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Plot 1 
Plot 2 
The study showed that the spatial variations in weed density 
within a soybean field could be mapped using CIR digital aerial 
images in the earlier stages of crop growth. The correlation 
coefficient between image data and weed data varied with 
resolution. The maximum correlation coefficients (greater than 
0.85) between weed map data and remote sensing image data 
were found at 4.5-m/pixel resolution. Further studies are required 
to investigate the effect of other field specific factors such as the 
relative variability in weed density, weed size etc. and the sensor 
specific factors such as spatial and spectral resolution on the 
optimal spatial resolution for weed mapping. 
The best time for weed mapping should also be selected based on 
the critical time for weed control. A high spatial and spectral 
resolution will be help to identify weeds from soil background 
and crop, at early stages of crop growth. 
This work also showed that selective and variable-rate herbicide 
application methods had advantages over the uniform application 
method. The variable rate method had greater advantages when 
the weed density variation was high. 
This research has been supported by the Illinois Council of Food 
and Agricultural Research (C-FAR), Project Number 971-124-3. 
Special thanks to several of the author's former and current 
graduate students: B. Steward, L. Tang, S. Bajwa, and 
undergraduate student workers: M. Porter, A. Gemeny, etc. They 
participated in the system design, retrofitting works and field 
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