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IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India,2002 
leaves calculated with the PROSPECT model are used as input 
parameters for the SAIL model. 
3.2.3 The SOLSPEC model 
A simple solar spectral model is used to transform the 
directional reflectance on top of canopy to spectral band 
radiances L^ at the sensor. The SOLSPEC solar spectral model 
(BIRD 1984) calculates direct normal E^. and diffuse 
irradiances E^ Ls at tilted surfaces as well as the diffuse 
percentage SKYL^ of the incoming radiation, which is an input 
parameter of the SAIL model. Input to SOLSPEC includes date, 
time and position, the surface orientation, the temperature, the 
amount of precipitable water vapour, ozone, and the surface air 
(EÀ EA S SKYE )- SOLSPEC(date,time,...) (3) 
No further atmospheric corrections are applied. Given the total 
incoming radiation E^ 4 Eine and the directional 
reflectance of the vegetation canopy vo, the spectral band 
radiances L# at the sensor can be calculated. 
I = (E d um * E d n jo à (4) 
3.2.4 The sensor model 
A sensor model is applied to transform the continuous spectral 
band radiances L* at the sensor into band specific grey values 
gt . First the spectral sensitivities of the sensor bands are 
taken into account to calculate representative spectral radiances 
for each band. Then with given calibration constants of the 
sensor and the representative spectral band radiances grey 
A ~ e 
values Cm can be calculated. 
3.2.5 The empirical model 
As mentioned above the grey values EUR , have to be fitted 
to the grey values gi. actually occurring at the investigated 
test site using simple parameters such as offset a^ and scale p^ 
for each sensor band. These parameters are assumed to be 
constant for each dataset. This linear fitting is necessary due to 
simplifications made in the physical models and uncertainty of 
constant model parameters. 
The model-predicted sensor grey values g^ de are calculated 
by linear transformation of the grey values a „a using 
À À Ag, 4 
& model = +b & phys-mod ©) 
Figure 1. illustrates the calculation of the model-predicted 
sensor grey values gi from input parameters using the 
described physical and empirical models. 
3.3 Inversion process 
During the inversion process, an optimal set of variable input 
parameters is estimated from the given grey values by non- 
linear and linear optimisation methods for each pixel (v. Figure 
1.). In our approach the inversion of the applied models was 
conducted by the global optimisation method simulated 
annealing (HELLWICH 1999) followed by a conventional /east- 
squares adjustment using a Gauss-Markov model (MIKHAIL 
1976) with weighted observations. There is a redundancy of five 
for each pixel with the measured grey values sa in nine 
spectral bands as observations and four unknown vegetation 
parameters, LAI, chlçp, Cm, and €, In addition the offset a^ and 
scale b^ are introduced as unknown parameters as well as 
observations. The introduction of pseudo observations a*=0 and 
b*=1 with low weights supports the inversion process. The 
pseudo observations decrease the influence of weak ground 
control points and reduce ambiguities. 
The empirical parameters a^ and 5^ should be estimated once 
for each dataset, which leads to 2x9 additional unknown 
parameters for a single dataset. The ground truth parameters 
measured on the selected ground control points are also 
introduced as observations being uncertain to a degree 
corresponding to the acquisition method. All other input 
parameters are assumed to be known and constant in the 
inversion process. Now the unknown empirical parameters and 
the vegetation parameters for each pixel can be estimated in a 
simultaneous least-squares adjustment. For this approximate 
values for the unknown vegetation parameters are necessary. 
First approximate values for the offset and scale parameters can 
be estimated through linear regression with the grey values 
A A 
DER and measured grey values g” of at least two ground 
control: points. Then approximate values for the unknown 
vegetation parameters are estimated using simulated annealing. 
As an alternative, standard values of the unknowns may be used 
as approximate values. 
The poor robustness of the inversion process is the main 
problem. The inversion fails, if vegetation parameters leave the 
definition range or the maximum number of iterations is 
reached. To improve the accuracy and robustness some 
enhancements have been implemented. 
e Pixels not representing the main crop, e.g. tracks of 
agricultural machines and weed, are eliminated from 
the estimation process. For the extraction of these 
disturbances, some classification methods have been 
suggested (KURZ et al. 2000). 
e Robustness and accuracy are improved by averaging 
grey values of neighbouring pixels belonging to 
homogenous areas. 
e To restrain the vegetation parameters inside the 
definition range a penalty technique was applied 
during simulated annealing. If vegetation parameters 
leave the definition range during the least squares 
adjustment the parameters are set back to values at the 
edge of the definition range. If this procedure is not 
successful, the corresponding point will finally be 
4.1 Database 
The investigations were conducted under the umbrella of the 
Forschungsverbund  Agrarôkosysteme München (FAM, 
Research Network Agricultural Ecological Systems Munich), 
which is presently using the Daedalus multispectral scanner as 
standard remote sensing instrument. For the /.5km^ FAM test 
sites in north of Munich, Daedalus multispectral scanner data 
and colour-infrared aerial photography were acquired. Flight 
dates were 28 June 2000 and 27 June 2001, when winter wheat 
changes to maturity. The Daedalus multispectral scanner 
operates in 1 spectral bands of the VIS, NIR, SWIR and TIR 
spectra. Nine of these channels are used in the inversion 
process. The ground pixel size amounted to 1.33 m. The 
Daedalus image data were geocoded by matching with ortho 
imagery with a ground pixel size of 0.06 m. The influences of 
the wide scan angle (RICHTER 1992) on the radiometry of the 
Daedalus scanner were corrected by DLR. 
At several fields with winter wheat randomly distributed 
measurement sites were selected each year. At these sites as 
C. Qu dut «i» w- 

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