Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

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IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002 
many as possible input parameters of the applied physical 
models were measured, such as total dry matter and total water 
content of samples, leaf area index and mean leaf angle. The 
wet samples corresponding to an 0.25m^ area were weighed, 
oven dried and weighed again to assess total dry matter and 
total water content. Leaf area index and mean leaf angle were 
measured with the Licor LAI-2000 analyser. Combining leaf 
area index with total dry and wet matter, specific dry matter and 
specific water content are derived. From the mean leaf angle 
and a shape parameter the leaf angle distribution LAD is derived 
based on an ellipsoidal distribution. Using the Licor LA1-2000, 
ears, stems and leaves of winter wheat plants cannot be 
separated for the assessment of leaf area index and mean leaf 
angle. Thus, all measurements are made without separation of 
different plant components. The chlorophyll content has been 
estimated qualitatively considering the visual appearance of the 
leaves. Most measurements are repeated to assess accuracy 
4.2 Estimation of vegetation parameters at the test sites 
The estimation of vegetation parameters was conducted using 
the described models and Daedalus multispectral scanner data. 
The measurement sites within the fields are arbitrarily divided 
in ground control points and validation points. 
X Ground control point 
O Validation point 
T Mass point 
100 meters 
Figure 2. Data acquisition with Daedalus ATM scanner and 
ground truth measurements on June 28" 2000. 
Overview about the ground control and validation 
points at the left and mass points with disturbed 
vegetation (black regions) at the right. 
The ground truth measurements at the ground control points are 
an essential part of our model, whereas the measurements at the 
validation points are used to prove the accuracy of the inversion 
process. No measurements are made at mass points, which are 
used to estimate unknown vegetation parameters at any position 
within the field. To reduce computing time mass points are 
chosen in a grid of 70x10 pixels. Figure 2. illustrates the 
distribution of the different types of points. In this special case 
seven ground control points are chosen. Disturbed pixels and 
pixels near the wheel tracks have been eliminated. Thus; mass 
points lying on the eliminated pixels have been excluded from 
the inversion process. The Daedalus multispectral scanner data 
have been smoothed with a mean filter of mask size 5x5. 
Approximate values for the vegetation parameters at mass 
points are estimated using simulated annealing. After the least- 
squares adjustment, the resulting maps of vegetation parameters 
are calculated by interpolating between the estimated vegetation 
parameters (v. Figure 3.). 
specific dry matter g/cm2 specific water content 
0.04 d 
14 0.035 
# 0.03 
Figure 3. Maps of estimated vegetation parameters, which are 
results of the model inversion. The model inversion 
has been conducted at validation and mass points. 
4.3 Accuracies 
Our goal is to derive a strategy for the use of ground control 
points. From a practical view, the number of necessary ground 
control points should be low to reduce required ground truth 
measurements. On the other hand, the robustness of the 
inversion process and attained accuracies of the estimated 
vegetation parameters should be high. In figure 4 two kinds of 
accuracies of the estimated leaf area index for four 
combinations of ground control points are illustrated. The 
theoretical standard deviation, which is derived from the least- 
squares adjustment, corresponds quite well with the empirical 
deviation at the validation points with a tendency of higher 
empirical deviations for all combinations. The empirical 
deviation is the difference between measured and estimated 
vegetation parameters. ', 
Q Ground control point 
0.15 Theoretical accuracies 
0.15 | Empirical accuracies 
Ground control points 
Figure 4. Maps of leaf area index estimated with Daedalus 
scanner data of June 27" 2001. For four 
combinations of different ground control points the 
empirical and theoretical deviations of the leaf area 
index at the validation points are calculated. 
Simulation studies point out the influence of ground control and 
mass point constellations on the accuracies. Figure 5. shows the 
relation between the number of ground control resp. mass points 
and the theoretical accuracies of the vegetation parameters and 

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