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IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002 
Table 1: Major wheat producing states & their contribution to 
national wheat acreage and production (Avg. 1995- 
96 to 1999-00) 
eat | Wheat Area Cumm Prod Cumm 
STATE Area Prod Area (%) Prod (%) 
( M ha)| (M €) | (9o India) "| (9 India) s 
8. ; : ; : ; 
PRADISH 77 |23286] 3331 33.31 33.25 | 3325 
PUNJAB 33 [1334] 1251 45.82 20.13 53.38 
HARYANA | 2.11 | 8.18 8.02 53.84 11.9 65.28 
PRADESH | 405 | 76r] 1651 70.35 11.07 | 76.35 
RAJASTHAN | 2.55 6.52 9.68 80.03 9.48 85.83 
BIHAR 204 14051. 7.0 87.76 $96 | 91.78 
Remaining |. | 565 | 1224 100 8.22 100 
INDIA 2634 | 68.74 | 100 100 
Cumm:- Cummulative 
A, B, C indicate segments having crop proportions more than 
70 percent, 30 — 70 percent and 10 - 30 percent respectively. 
The sampling fraction was 10 percent and size of the sampling 
unit was 15 x 15 km. The sampling scheme was implemented in 
ARC / INFO GIS software. District boundary coverage at 
1:250,000 scale in polyconic projection, a ‘Fishnet’ coverage 
with grid size of 15 x 15 km was overlaid. Attribute information 
added to this coverage was identification of each segment, name 
of the district, meteorological subdivision, state, rabi crop 
proportion, segment type A, B, C, latitude and longitude of the 
top left corner of the segment. List frames were generated for all 
population segments within a state. Sample segments were 
selected randomly within each state using stratified random 
sampling procedure. The sampling plan is summarized in Table 
2. A total of 323 segments were selected from a total possible 
sample frame of 2807 segments. 
Table 2: Details of Sampling Plan for Study States (Population 
and sample Allocation) 
State |Met. Zone Population Allocated 
A | B | C |TotallA | B|C [Tot. 
Bihar 9 156| 94 | 64 | 314 |18]|11| 7 | 36 
Haryana 13 132] 44 | 17] 193 ]15| 512 | 22 
M.P. 19 81 |218|195| 494 | 9 |26|23, 58 
M.P. 20 0 [45]|114| 159 |0| 5 |13| 18 
Punjab 14 156| 51 [13 | 220 |18| 6 | | | 25 
Rajasthan 17 12:4 35 | 19] 66 | 1 | 4/21 7 
Rajasthan 18 71 | 96 |165| 332 | 8 |11/19j 38 
UP. 10 366|159| 40 | 565 |43|19| 4 | 66 
UP. 11 270|110| 31 | 411 |32/[13| 3 | 48 
UP. 12 131 [1{ |] 29] 53 [11 | 3 | 5 
3.2 Digital Image Analysis 
The digital image analysis carried out for wheat acreage 
estimation has been shown, as a flow diagram, in Fig 1. It can 
be summarized in following steps : 
3.2.1 Creation of geo-referenced master data-base by 
developing a transformation model between images and 
corresponding map coordinates: 
In 1995-96, a master spatial data base was created by 
georeferencing one-date WiFS data with Survey of India 
topographic maps at 1:250,000 scale. 
3.2.2 Registration of multi-date WiFS data with geo- 
referenced master data-base and radiometric normalization: 
Multi-date WiFS data for thirteen zones were registered with 
master data and scene-to-scene radiometric normalization was 
achieved by matching the digital counts of Pseudo Invariant 
Features (PIFs) like manmade in-scene elements, dense built-up 
area, deep and clear water-body, dry sand. This technique 
corrects for atmospheric degradations, illumination effects, and 
sensor response differences in multi-temporal multi-spectral 
imagery (Schott et al 1988). PIF approach was used for 
radiometric normalization. 
3.2.3 Identification, classification, refinement and 
evaluation of wheat and other crop classes based on ground 
Crop phenology and vigour variations make multi-date WiFS 
data more heterogeneous. Collection of representative sites for 
each possible spectral class needed for maximum likelihood 
classifier becomes very difficult. In cases when both the 
number of features and the number of classes are large, the tree- 
classifier approach or hierarchical decision rule based 
classification procedure gives better performance (Wang, 1986; 
Swain and Hauska, 1977). Hence, a hierarchical rule-based 
classifier was attempted to classify the multi-date WiFS data. 
To make classification simpler, firstly zero fills, cloud/haze, 
snow/ice, cloud shadow were masked out. Then based on multi- 
date NDVI [=(NIR-IR)/(NIR+IR)] non-vegetation, non- 
agricultural and non-wheat classes were successively identified 
and removed. Having ground truth over representative sites 
wheat could be identified and discriminated form other 
competing crops like gram and mustard due to its distinct 
3.3 Wheat Area Estimation 
Wheat mapping involves digital image processing after creation 
of a geo-referenced multi-date image database of 6-8 dates of 
WiFS data during crop season. The scientific rationale for 
wheat separability using multi-date data is illustrated in fig 2. 
Crop identification was based on a hierarchical decision rules 
using knowledge of the temporal spectral profiles of various 
land covers including wheat and other crops. Wheat area was 
obtained by estimating segment-wise wheat proportion for sam- 
ple segments and applying appropriate sampling method of ag- 
3.4 Yield Forecasts 
Weather plays a dominant role in crop growth and development 
and hence in crop production. Weather variables, therefore, can 
be conveniently used as indicators of change in crop yield. The 
relationships between weather variables and crop yield can be 
modelled by regression analysis. Such crop weather models for 
providing real time crop estimates have been reported by Khan 
and Chatterjee (1987) for rice, Appa Rao (1983) for wheat and 
Dubey et al. (1995) for cotton. 
In the present study yield forecasts were made using 
temperature data at meteorological sub-division level. 
Regression based models were developed using weekly weather 

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