Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

dates of sowing i.e. D,-25" November D2-10" December, D;3- 
25^ December and four nitrogen levels viz: NO-No nitrogen, 
N,-50 percent, N,-100 per cent, N3-150 per cent of the 
recommended dose(120 kg N per hectare), and five varieties 
viz:V,-WH  542,V,-PBW 343,V;-UP 2338,V,-Raj 3765, 
V;-Sonak. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design 
with different dates of sowing, different nitrogen levels to main 
plots and different varieties to subplots with three replications. 
Recommended agronomic package of practices for irrigated 
wheat were followed. 
Multi-band spectral data was recorded with help of hand held 
spectro-radiometer (Model-41) developed by Space Application 
centre (SAC) Ahmedabad. The spectral reflectance was 
recorded at one meter height above the crop canopy. Standard 
readings (100% reflectance) were taken keeping the sensor over 
Barium Sulphate plate. Percent reflectance values were 
computed by dividing canopy reflectance with that of standard 
one. These observations were taken on cloud free days between 
1100-1200 hrs 30 days after sowing upto harvest at 15 days 
intervals. Spectral indices were calculated at different stages by 
using following formula: 
Simple subtractions (SSb) =IR-R (Pearson et al., 1976). 
Normalized difference (ND) 
= (IR-R) / (IR+R) (Rouse et al., 1973) 
Perpendicular vegetation index (PVI) 
=v (Rsoil - Rveg) 2 + (IRsoil - IRveg)* 
(Richardson and Weigand, 1977) 
Greenness index (Gn) 
= -0.29 (G) - 0.56 (R) + 0.60 (NIR) + 0.49 (MIR) 
(Kauth and Thomas 1976) 
The agronomic parameters, leaf area index(LAI) and total dry 
biomass, were measured concurrently with spectral data at an 
interval of 15 days starting from 30 days after sowing onwards 
to physiological maturity. The grain weight was recorded from 
the crop harvested from a net area of 1.4m*2.2m in each plot 
and converted into g¢/ha. Photosynthetic pigments were 
estimated according to the method of Hiscox and Isractstam 
(1979) using dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO). Calculation for Chl 
a and b and in pmol/g dry weight were made according to 
equation developed by Anderson and Board man (1964). 
(12.3 X A 663 - 0.86 x A45) 
Chla = x 5 ml = mg/g F.wt of leaf 
1000x wt of sample 
(19.3 X A45 -3.6x A663) 
Chl b = x 5ml- mg/g F.wt of leaf 
1000x wt of sample 
Total chlorophyll = Chl a + Chl b 
The wax content was estimated as per the procedure adopted by 
Silva Fernandes et al. (1964). 
The experimental results of different aspects are given below: 
Crop Parameters 
Leaf area index (LAI) 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
The perusal of data indicates that LAI increased with the 
advancement of crop age in respect of all treatments up to 90 
days after sowing (DAS) and it decreased thereafter Tablel. 
The LAI differed significantly with different date of sowing 
and different doses of nitrogen. The maximum LAI was 
observed at 90 days after sowing in all treatments. The LAI was 
higher when the crop was sown on 25^ November and lower in 
the 25" December sown crop. Bishnoi et al. (1996) reported 
higher values of LAI for wheat in optimum date of sowing 25th 
November as compared to the delayed one. The photosynthetic 
potential manifested a huge improvement numerically with 
enhancing level of nitrogen fertilizer. The application of 
nitrogen (9 180 kg ha”! (N3) increased the LAI significantly 
over lower nitrogen (N) rates at all the stages. The maximum 
LAI was in N4 and minimum was in Nj treatment. Among the 
varieties the LAI was highest in PBW343 followed by UP2338, 
WH542 Raj 3765 and Sonak. In cultivars also LAI increased 
with advancement of growth up to 90 DAS then decreased upto 
maturity. Singh et al. (19952) also observed that leaf area and 
leaf weight were highest in WH803 and lowest in WH108 
among 4 wheat varieties at different stages of crop growth. The 
LAI is very useful parameters in studying the radiation 
interception for the quantification of accumulation of dry matter 
and growth of the crop. Maximum value of LAI reached in 
first date of sowing due to the fact that elongated vegetative 
phase added more foliage to the crop growth as compared to 
delayed sowing where the forced maturity due to high 
temperature and vapour pressure deficit led to occurrence of 
phenophases quickly and life cycle of the crop became shorter. 
The data on dry matter production (gm?) under various 
treatments are presented in Table 2 and which reveal that it 
increased with the advancement of crop age and maximum 
increase was observed at 90 DAS and at harvest. Among the 
sowing dates 25th November sown crop produced higher dry 
matter as compared to the 10th and 25th December sown crop 
at all the phenophases. This might be attributed to maximum 
LAI. Further delay in sowing resulted in reduction in dry 
matter accumulation. Irrespective of fertility levels, the dry 
matter accumulation was statistically significant with increasing 
nitrogen levels. The highest dry matter accumulation was 
observed in N3 (180 kg ha!) and lowest in Ng (No nitrogen) 
treatment. This was due to highest LAI recorded in wheat 
fertilized with 180kg N ha" Singh et al. (1998) reported the 
variation of dry matter accumulation was influenced by 
different nitrogen doses. Among the varieties the dry matter 
accumulation was statistically significant at all phenophases. 
The highest dry matter accumulation at all the phenophases was 
in PBW343 and followed by UP2338, WH542, Raj 3765 and 
Sonak (Table2). Singh et al. (1995a) reported more dry matter 
accumulation in variety WH803 than WH157, WH283 and 
WH108. Dry matter of variety Raj3765 significantly higher 
than var. Sonak. The dry matter at harvest was 1252.5, 1217.3, 
1161.2, 1110.3 and 1086.6 gm/m2 in var. PBW343, UP2338, 
Wh542, Raj3765 and Sonak, respectively. 
The grain yield showed a significant difference among sowing 
dates. The maximum yield was recorded in D, followed by D; 
and D3. The yield of D1 is significant higher than D2 The 
decrease in yield with delay in sowing of wheat was attributed 

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