IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India, 2002 -
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Change Map (1994-95 b N
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The following table shows the statistics of various
landuse/landcover classes that exists in the study area.
Table2.1:Statistics showing coverage of various
landuse/landcover classes in Hectares .(Figure 2.1)
(Source: Based on visual interpretation of IRS-1B imagery
Mangrove Forest 24.85 15,282.00
Mangrove swamp 5.22 3,212.00
Aquaculture 7.44 4,574.00
Mudflats 7.56 4,648.00
Plantation 0.65 406.00
Cropland 45.50 27,975.00
Saltbeds 0.60 370.00
Sandyarea 5.04 3,100.00
River/Waterbody 0.30 182.00
Upland with or without scrub 1,746.00
MUTE” TB? 3U'F ]1/ UiN
8215 E
Landuse/landcover Map
1 78. 38 15km
| 45N
16 20°H
1630 N
Figure 2.1
Figure 2.2
The following table shows the change statistics of various
landuse/landcover classes that exists in the study area.
Table 2.2.Statistics showing changes in various
landuse/landcover classes in hectares(Figure 2.2)
CATEGORY AREA (in Hectares)
Aquaculture 7.125
Water body 3.188
Cropland 5.064
Sandy 7.313
Marshy/Swampy 1.182
Plantation 1.500
* Aquaculture - Mangrove and the nearby swampy/marshy area
is converted to fishponds.
* Cropland -Cropland is increased with the corresponding
decrease in the scrub area.
* Marshy/Swampy area - Marshy/swampy area is increased
due to inundation during floods.
* Plantation - Some regeneration activities are taking place
(Artificial growth of mangrove forests).
2.6 Identification of Zonal features
In order to improve the discernability of features relate to
mangrove forest on the imagery, Image Enhancement
techniques were applied to the digital data. Image smoothing
was done using three by three pixel spatial filter. The filter was
passed over through each channel, replacing the digital value of
the central pixel by the mean value of the nine pixels in the
filter. This produced an image that was more homogeneous
than the original without apparent degradation of natural
boundaries of vegetation cover.
IRS-IB, LISS II Band-3 was used to delineate mangroves.
This was done interpreted digitally and compared with false
color composite (FCC). The map is then projected to the real
world coordinates by transferring the latitude and longitude
values from the corresponding survey of India toposheet. This