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IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002
landform and wetland environment over the period of 30 years
(i.e. 1966-1996). The population pressure causing drastic land-
use changes over the time in Mumbai-Navi Mumbai region.
The rapid growth of built-up land and reduction of forest and
agricultural land affects the natural drainage system of the city,
causing flooding during monsoons (VeenaRao (1988), Sawant
and Subramanyan (1998)). The coastal geomorphology and
land-use /land-cover of Manori creek region were studied for
three time periods using topographic sheets (1966), Landsat
TM (1988) and IRS —1C satellite (1996) data.
The study area lies in between the latitude 19°10’ to 19°20” and
longitude 72°46” and 72°55” (Fig 1). It starts from Vasai Creek
in the north to Malad creek in the south. The study area falls
within the Deccan Volcanic province. Deccan Trap chiefly
consists of tholeiitic basalts. These basalts are in generally
compact, massive and/or vesicular with or without amygdules.
The amygdules are filled up with secondary minerals, e.g
zeolite, quartz, devitrified glass etc., The Mumbai Island is
made up of two lava flows separated by a intertrappean bed
representative of a period of quiescence when the lavas ceased
to erupt. The flows comprise the following rocks: basalts,
trachytes, pyroclastics, dolerites and rhyolites. Nearly one third
of the island area is covered by recent alluviums. These
alluviums are also almost covered by urban built-up areas.
Manori is the major creek in the area associated with extensive
mudflats, which comprises chiefly of mud.
2.1 Data used
The Survey of India topographic sheets (1966-68) on 1:50,000
were used for preparation of base map, coastal geomorphology
and land use / land cover information. The Landsat TM satellite
data was used to interpret the geomorphology and land use and
land cover details for the year 1988. The IRS-1C LISS III
Satellite data was used for interpreting the recent development
(1996) in land use and land cover and coastal geomorphology.
GeoMedia 3.0 GIS software was used for digitizing and
analysis of various thematic maps.
2.2 Coastal Geomorphological Mapping
Study of coastal landforms can provide a proper understanding
of coastal processes, which can lead a better coastal zonal
management. To begin with, different coastal landforms were
picked out from Survey of India topographic sheets. The topo-
interpretation has helps to identify various depositional and
erosional coastal landforms in Manori creek region. Similarly,
for the year 1988, Landsat TM FCC on hard copy was used for
interpreting the various geomorphological features. IRS 1C
LISS III (23m) satellite data was digitally processed through
Image Analyst software. The processed outputs were used for
demarcating various geomorphic features for the year 1996.
2.3 Land use/ land cover Mapping
The Land-use and land-cover maps of Manori creek region
were prepared for different time periods based on topographic
sheets (1966), Landsat TM data (1988) and the processed
output of IRS-1C satellite data (1996). Wetland, creek,
vegetation saltpan, built-up land and beaches are the significant
land use and land cover categories.
3.1 Coastal Geomorphology
Geomorphic processes occur in combination at the coast. The
waves and currents of the sea play the dominant role but the
land-based processes such as, fluvial, fluvio-marine and mass
movement are also influence the coastal forms. The Manori
creek, Mumbai coastal region is covered by typical coastal
geomorphological landforms. Hard basaltic outcrops cover
major part of the terrain. Considerable area, especially the
urban built-up land, occupied over the coastal plain, comprises
of recent alluvium.
Initially with the help of topographic sheet, different
geomorphic units were identified. However, demarcating the
clear boundary conditions is somewhat difficult in topographic
sheet. Hence, in the next stage, remote sensing technique was
used to identify different coastal geomorphology, both
erosional /denudational and depositional landforms (Fig 2).
Through visual interpretation Landsat TM FCC data, almost all
geographic units were clearly mapped. Contrast mapping was
possible, especially with the coastal low land, mudflat (with or
without mangroves) and shallow pediment. Among erosional
and denudational landforms, barren-lands, residual hills are
having brighter and pale appearances than coastal low lands
and cuestas. Linear ridges are identified by their linear nature,
whereas residual hills are present as circular patches in the
image. Among depositional landforms, sandy beaches having a
brighter appearance over a pale to darker rocky beaches present
along the coast. Mudflats and saltpans are darker, and
associated with creeks. Coastal plains are of lighter
[72:45:30 72:54:46
19:19:44 N 4 N
E Legend
Barren Land
Coastal Lowland
Coastal Plain
Linear Ridge
Wet Land
Mud Flat Vegetation
Rocky Beach
Rocky Platform
Salt Pan
Sandy Beach
Shallow Pediment
72:54:43 E
72:45:35 E -08:1
9:08:03 N 19:08:01 N
Figure 2. Coastal Geomorphology
The digital image processing of satellite data has given
enhanced information on coastal geomorphology. Especially,
the Principal Component Analysis of IRS —1C data gives
contrast picture on saltpan and coastal low lands. The various
geomorphic units, like shallow pediments, under rocky
platform area, combined give a light tonal contrast in principal