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IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002 
parameters one can derive the snow albedo throughout the solar 
spectrum as a function of its spectral reflectances in suitable 
wavelength regions where the effect of the individual 
parameters is the maximum 
This study demonstrates the usefulness of field based 
hyperspectral reflectance studies in the 350-1800 nm 
wavelength range for understanding the snowpack 
characteristics in the Himalayan terrain. Results indicate that 
albedo in the visible region is not affected by the grain size or 
age of snow but by the amount of clay contamination. While 
the effect of contamination is not significant in the near infrared 
and shortwave infrared regions, grain size is the dominating 
factor in these regions. Thus, the estimates of spectral 
reflectances in the visible and infrared regions give the amount 
of clay contamination and grain size. Spectral reflectance 
reading on avalanche debris indicates that its spectral behaviour 
is similar to that of a clay-contaminated snow. The region 
between 450 and 900 nm is most affected by an avalanche and 
a difference of 40 % in reflectance was observed between 
avalanche and non-avalanche snow. Therefore, spectral 
reflectances estimated in the satellite sensor bands falling in 
this wavelength region, before and after the triggering of an 
avalanche, will be useful in the identification and mapping of 
avalanche-affected regions. This will further become an 
important input in the validation and improvement of avalanche 
forecast models. 
Snow albedo is mainly affected by its grain size and amount of 
clay contamination. Therefore, a model for snow albedo can be 
developed as a function of its spectral reflectances in the visible 
and infrared regions where the contamination and grain size 
have independent effects. For this purpose, detailed field 
measurements of grain size and amount of contamination are 
needed along with spectral reflectance and albedo data. And, it 
is proposed to conduct such detailed investigations in the future 
for developing a snow albedo model. 
The authors would like to thank Maj. Gen. (Retd.) S. S. 
Sharma, KC, VSM, Director, Snow and Avalanche Study 
Establishment (SASE), and Dr. A. K. S. Gopalan, Director, 
Space Applications Centre (SAC), for their keen interest in this 
investigation. We thank Dr. Shailesh Nayak, Group Director, 
Marine and Water Resources Group, SAC, for his comments 
and suggestions during the investigation. 
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