IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002
R. P. Gupta,
Department of Earth Sciences,
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,
Roorkee, 247667, India
E-mail - rpgesfes @iitr.ernet.in
Commission VII, Working Group VII/3.3
KEY WORDS: Quantitative studies, Mineralogical composition, Temperature estimation, Ground movements
The qualitative methods of photo/image interpretation in geological sciences have been used for several decades. With the
advancement in remote sensing technology, quantitative measurements on some of the geological problems/themes can be
accomplished, and the same form the subject matter of this review article.
For estimating mineralogical composition, the remote sensing techniques utilize spectral characteristics of minerals and mineral
assemblages, and the methods of hyperspectral sensing, which allow generation of a near-continuous spectrum at each pixel, are
used. Spectral unmixing analysis leads to generation of mineral maps. Further the thermal IR multispectral data can be used to
create SiO,-content images.
Another application of remote sensing is in the estimation of temperature of lava, coal fire etc. Such objects posses temperatures
much higher then the background and emit blackbody radiation in accordance with the temperature. Remote sensors in the thermal
IR and SWIR region are used for measuring intensity of thermally emitted radiation from hot sources (e.g. coal fires, volcanic
events, lava flows etc.). Further the hot objects need not occupy the whole of the pixel; using dual band methods it is possible to
compute sub-pixel area and temperature. Such information on temperature distribution and movement of lava flows and coal fires
would hardly be available by any other technique. .
A third important application is in the estimation of ground deformation related to earthquakes, volcanism, creeps etc. The synthetic
radar interferometric techniques are used to generate DEMs, which allow determination of differences in the 3D location of objects.
Using differential INSAR, movements of the order of some millimeters can be determined from space-borne SAR. These data have
found a wide range of applications in geosciences — measuring earthquake-related fault displacements, aseismic creep, land
subsidence, landslides, ice and glacier movements and volcano monitoring.
1. INTRODUCTION reviews these techniques with examples, also mentioning their
present limitations.
Remote Sensing has evolved primarily from the techniques of
photo-interpretation, which are mainly qualitative methods,
utilizing the various elements of photo interpretation, viz., tone,
‘texture, pattern, shape, size, shadow and association and the
principle of convergence of evidence. The skill and experience
of photo-interpreter is extremely important in deducing
interpretation and drawing thematic information particularly for
geologic features. In many remote sensing based geological
studies, the techniques of photo interpretation are still the most
valuable, and there is no intention to undermine its importance.
However, with the advances in remote sensing technology,
particularly during the last decade it is now possible to derive
quantitative data on a number of geological aspects (Gupta
2002). This was hitherto not possible. This article broadly
ite) and the geotechnical elements (drainage, landforms, soil
and vegetation) have long been used to identify and map broad
lithological units.
Remote sensing based identification of specific mineral
assemblages is based on the spectral characteristics of minerals.
Figure 1 gives an overview of the important mineral-absorption
Thematically, the various remote sensing based quantitative
geologic applications can be grouped under the following:
1. Estimation of mineralogical composition.
2. Estimation of temperature of lava, coal fire etc.
3. Estimation of ground deformation related to earthquakes,
volcanism, creeps etc.
One of the basic aims of all geological studies is to identify
minerals and rocks and map their distribution in the field.
Conventional methods involving the elements of aerial photo
interpretation (tone, texture, pattern, shape, size, shadow and
bands, occurring in the solar reflection region (SOR) and the
thermal emission region (TIR).
2.1 Solar Reflection Region
2.1.1 Physical Principle: Detection of broad spectral features
in the solar reflection region can be accomplished with coarser