Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

01 Ni 
he three soil as 
an absolute bias 
DVI approach 
LAI = 0.1 to 
? |RMSE |bias 
7 10:37 10.7 
4:10: 7:6:12.07 
910.26 |0.12 
910.93 |1.38 
810.24 |0.20 
110.73 12.46 
1510.37 10.34 
210.75 2.25 
t data set 
so shows better 
'] approach. For 
: less (0.1, 0.08, 
combination of 
e (0.2. 0.11, 0.2, 
vhich is a semi- 
proach for the 
has been set up 
soil background, 
rea index, leaf 
sembles the real 
restricted to the 
) be extended to 
ice coupled with 
applied for real 
' physical model 
d 1.23 for LAI 
between 1-4 and 4-6, respectively (Rastogi et al, 2000 ). As an 
extension of the study it is planned to compare retrieval with 
other categories of VI, including soil line based and orthogonal 
based. In this study NDVI used needs much lower information 
(2 band) in comparison to 6 band PCI. 
The authors extend their sincere thanks to Dr R. R. Navalgund, 
Director, NRSA (Deputy Director, RESA/SAC) and Shri J. S. 
Parihar for their encouragement to carry out this work. The 
author SC also wishes to thank Dr. S. Jacquemoud for 
providing the PROSAIL model version 3.01. 
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