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IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India,2002
settlements, water, paddy fields, woodlands and so on were
extracted. For extracting these elements different methods and
means were used.
The land use map was edited in ArcView. In the first step the
data of settlements, water, vegetation, roads and rivers were
overlaid on the basis of merged SPOT images, fused images
from different sensors, referring to topographic data, admini-
strations and DEM data from topographic maps. Then, spatial
data of every element was put in and the attributes were named
according to the requirements for land use data in the project.
At last, topological relation of data was established in the Arc/
INFO coverages.
ee BÓ eei pure Ren
8 60000 665000 670000 675000 680000 685000 690000
3535000 3540000
3515000 3520000
000SLSE 0000ZSE
660000 665000 670000 675000 680000 685000 690000
0 5 10 15 20 Kilometers
uncultivated, waste land EE vegetation, bamboo
arable, irrigated M water plane
{| arable, non-irrigated Elli settlement, town
..... uncultivated, other | settlement, village
L__ | vegetation, orchard |__| transportation
i54 vegetation, mulberry feel mining area
___) vegetation, tea garden
__| vegetation, mixed conif + decid.
vegetation, coniferous
| industry, large development area
| industry, independent factory
special landuse
Figure 7. Land use map for the SILUP study area
3.7 Two methods for DEM reconstruction
A reliable DEM is the base for many applications of the SILUP
project. All these applications would like to have a perfect
DEM. Because of the known limitations this isn't possible. The
different applications can tolerate different limitations of the
DEM. The DEM used for orthophoto generation should be
absolutely as exact as possible. For the hydrological applica-
tions this is not so important, but those DEMS have to be hydro-
logical correct. The flowing direction of the water has to be
correct for each pixel, the absolute high of each pixel is not that
important. These two different expectations to a good DEM
leads to two different methods creating a DEM.
For the first type of DEM, SPOT PAN Stereo Images have been
used. Because of the variations in neighbouring heights, this
DEM couldn't be used for hydrological applications, but for the
generation of an orthoimage these small variations are not
important. This DEM was generated using the Virtuozo? soft-
ware package which was developed at the Wuhan University
and is now being distributed by Supresoft Inc.
Ground control pixels situated near water bodies made prob-
lems in the DEM generation. This may be caused because of
different water levels between the image acquisition time and
the map production time. The other difficulty is that the water
body areas haven't much texture in the remotely sensed data.
Specular reflections do also occur in the water areas, making
even more problems. Because of these problems the resulting
DEM wasn't very exact and couldn't be used especially not for
the hydrological applications. For further aspects on the accu-
racy of DEM generation from SPOT data see (Al-Rousan et al.,
Figure 8. DEM generated from Stereo-SPOT images (left) and
DEM generated with the TOPOGRID module
For the hydrological applications the flowing direction of the
water is important and has to be correct. As shown in Figure 8
the DEM created with the Stereo-SPOT images are not
hydrological correct. In the middle of the left image of Figure 8
the river would have to climb over a small ridge.
To build an DEM which was hydrologically correct the TOPO-
GRID module from Arc/INFO (Hutchinson, 1988) was used.
For generating the DEM, TOPOGRID needs input data. The
input data were in detail: polder areas, water bodies and river
middle axes. The river middle axes were digitised manually
from a topographic map. All rivers inside polder areas were
removed since polder areas were decided to be treated as closed
units. All river segments were oriented downstream, which is a
prerequisite for the TOPOGRID module.
The TOPOGRID module computes gradient directions perpen-
dicular to the contour lines and then iteratively respects the
oriented river network (Hutchinson, 1996). To generate the fi-
nally used DEM, 2000 iterations were calculated. After the
DEM calculation the digitised lake and polder polygons were
used to level all DEM cells inside the same polygon to the same
height. For the hydrological applications this again was an im-
portant step, because this levelling ensures a flatness of lake
and polder areas. The DEM generation was performed in close