Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India, 2002 
brown colour, coarse loamy to 
loamy skeletal texture, mainly 
under forest plantation, 
moderate erosion 
Cultiv | Coarse loamy | Upper piedmont just II 
ation Typic immediate vicinity of Siwalik | Ie 
Ustorthents, Hills, gentle slope (1-3%), S 
Loamy Skeletal very deep soils, brown to dark] 
Typic brown colour, coarse loamy to 
Ustorthents. loamy skeletal texture, mainly 
under cultivation moderate 
Siwalik Hills 
Lower Siwaliks 
Terrac | Loamy Steep to very steep (15- II 
eculti | Skeletal 35%),lower Siwalik Hills, Ie 
vation | Typic Shallow to moderately deep S 
Ustorthents, soils, brown to dark brown, 
Loamy loamy skeletal to coarse loamy 
skeletal texture, terraced, cultivated, 
Typic moderate to severe erosion. 
Fairly | Loamy Lower Siwalik Hills, steep to | V 
dense | skeletal very steep hill side slope (35- | II 
forest | Typic 50%), fairly dense forest of © 
Haplustepts mixed vegetation, shallow S 
, Coarse soils, gravelly coarse loamy 
loamy texture, well drained, common 
Typic to abundant rock out crops, 
Ustorthent moderate to severe erosion. 
Escarp | Fragmental Lower Siwalik hills, V 
ment Typic escarpments,very steep slope | II 
Ustorthents (33-5596), poor vegetative e 
cover, abundant pebbles and | s 
Stones, very shallow soils, 
excessively drained, 
susceptible to severe erosion. 
Middle Siwalik 
Denud | Loamy Dissected middle Siwalik V 
ed Hill | Skeletal Hills,very steep slopes (15- | II 
highly | Typic 33%), light yellowish brown | e 
dissect | Ustorthents, to reddish brown soil colour, | s- 
ed Fragmental shallow to moderate soils, 2 
Typic loamy to coarse loamy texture, 
Ustorthents scanty vegetation, very 
severely eroded, abundant 
stones and pebbles, clays and 
Fairly | Coarse Dissected middle Siwalik V 
dense | loamy Hills,very steep slopes (15- | II 
mixed | Typic 33%), light yellowish brown 
forest | Ustorthents, to reddish brown soil colour, - 
Loamy shallow to moderate soils, 
Skeletal loamy to coarse loamy texture, 
Typic moderate to thick vegetative 
. | Haplustepts cover. 
Mountain(Subthus formation) 
Dense | Loamy Lasser Himalayas of Subathu | V 
mixed | Skeletal formation fairly dense forest | II 
forest | Typic of variable cover e 
Ustorthents, density,shallow to moderate S 
Loamy soils, dark reddish brown to 
Skeletal dark brown in colour, loamy 
Typic skeletal texture with (gravels, 
Haplustepts pebbles, 15-45%), few rockout 
crops, moderate to severe 
Escarp Escarpments, very steep V 
ment Fragmental slope (33-55%), poor II 
Typic vegetative cover, abundant 
Ustorthents. pebbles and stones, very 
shallow soils, excessively 
drained, susceptible to severe 
Valley | Loamy Valley in the transition II 
Skeletal Typic | between Siwalik and subathu | I 
Ustifluvents, formation, moderate to steep 
Coarse slope (5-10%) shallow to 
Loamy Typic | moderate depth, yellowish 
Ustorthents. brown to dark brown colour. 
Loamy skeletal texture 
mainly cultivated, moderate 
River Coarse Gentle sloping (0-3%), river | II 
Terrac | Loamy terraces very deep soils coarse | I 
es Typic loamy texture, cultivated 
Ustorthents, seasonally, susceptible to 
Typic erosion. 
oL. C. C. - Land Capability Class 
Forest type mapping was carried out by applying a 
hybrid classification, in which both unsupervised and 
supervised techniques were used. An unsupervised 
classification generated a total of 80 classes which were 
checked in the field. The unsupervised classes corresponding 
with the field accurately were selected and were used as ground 
truth information for supervised classification. The supervised 
classification resulted in a total of seven forest/vegetation 
classes. The supervised vegetation classes were over laid on 
linearly stretched band four data of IRS. The detailed 
description of these forest classes is as follows and their areal 
extent is shown in Table 9. 
Semi evergreen forest 
These forests were further subdivided into three categories. 
Semi evergreen Dense 
These forests have an average crown cover of > 50 per cent, 
and contain > 3 stories (canopy layers). These categories of 
forest were found in 18.61 per cent of the total study area. 
Semi evergreen moderately dense 
These forests have the average tree crown cover of 30 to 50 
percent. The forest also contains > 3 canopy layers. Total 
areal extent of this class was 894 hactares. 
Semi evergreen open 
These forests have 10 to 30 per cent crown cover and usually 
contain < 3 stories. The under as well as upper-stories are 
affected by biotic interferences. A total of 385 hactares area 
was occupied by this class. 
Deciduous forest 
These forests are mainly confined to middle and upper 
Siwaliks. These forests were subdivided in two canopy classes.

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