IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India.2002
e The total fodder availability in the Mandakini sub-
watershed is 263635 t/year. However, for revenue
land, it is 107322 t/year and for non-revenue land it is
156313 t/year. Based on the ecological principles the
sustainable amount (optimal) that can be extracted is
limited to 111609 t/year for the entire Mandakini sub-
watershed. For revenue land, it is 62803 t/year and for
non-revenue land it is 53806 t/year.
* The fodder availability from grasslands is 53509
t/year (optimal) while total is 25947 t/year. The
contribution of forest is 54447 t/year (optimal) and
178500 t/year (total). Total contribution from
scrublands is 1706 t/year while extraction at optimal
level can be 5679 t/year.
e The scenario seems to on surplus side in terms of
fodder availability (473565 tyear) when total
extraction is considered. On the other hand optimal
extraction scenario indicates grim picture with
availability as low as -73461 t/year for the overall
Mandakini sub-watershed.
e Out of 451 villages 92 villages show surplus fodder
availability at optimal level of extraction. However,
when total extraction is considered there are 169
villages surplus with fodder. 359 villages fall under
deficit category for fodder availability at optimal
extraction and 282 villages, even when total
extraction is considered.
* There are 14 villages with 100 per cent surplus fodder
Authors are extremely grateful to Dr. Ajai, Group Director,
FLPG and Dr. R.N Jadhav, former Head, FED for their keen
interest in the present study. Authors are highly obliged to the
Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India for
providing the financial assistance.
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