IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India, 2002
A slope class map showing various slope intervals as per slope
classification suggested by AISLUS is generated by slicing the
map into ranges, A 2 0 - 1 % (nearly level), B = 2 - 3% (very
gently sloping), C = 3-5%(gently sloping), D = 5.
10% (moderately sloping), E =10- 15%(strongly sloping), F =
15-25% (moderately steep), G = 25-33%(Steep sloping), H =
33-50%(very steep), I = >50%( very very steep). Then by
classifying DEM map into different elevation classes an
elevation zone map has also been generated.
Estimation of soil erosion loss
Soil loss has been quantitatively estimated under GIS
environment using the universal soil loss formula,
Where A = the computed soil loss per unit area in tone per
hectare per year.
R = the rainfall erosivity factor; is the number of
rainfall erosion index units for a particular location.
K = soil erodability factor; is the soil loss rate erosion
index unit for a specified soil as measured on a unit
plot, which is defined as 21.13 meter length of
uniform 9% slope continuously on a clear tilled
L = slope-length factor; is the ratio of soil loss from
the field slope length to that from 21.13 meter length
under identical conditions.
S = slope steepness factor; is the ratio of soil loss
from the field slope gradient to that from 9% slope
under identical conditions,
C = crop management factor; is the ratio of soil loss
from an area with specified cover and management to
that from an identical area in tilled fallow condition.
P = land support practice factor; is the ratio of soil
loss with support practices like contour strip cropping
etc. Accordingly the areas in different categories of
erosion classes have been found out under GIS
environment, as shown in Table 1. Land capability
class map is then generated by integrating capability
class of soil (parametric method) topography (slope)
and soil erosion class map using in the following
Capability map = Max (soil cap, slope
cap, ero cap).
Where soil cap is prepared by reclassifying the parameters
like soil texture and soil depth as per capability class.
Slope cap map is derived from DEM by reclassifying
into slope capability class map ranging from A, B, C,
D, E, F, G, H, I and accordingly erosion capability
class map is generated by reclassifying soil loss map
(derived from USLE model) into EQ, El, E2, E3 &
Land use adjustment map
The land use adjustment map is generated by integrating
present land use map and land capability map, which contains
information essential for making decisions on future land use
planning adjustment needs, conservation needs and possible
resettlement etc. The classification criterion for determining
land use conditions was first worked out. This was prepared by
comparing present land use with land capability to obtain
results, which are categorized into,
Lk W+ : Used within capability but needs soil
conservation treatment.
2. W Used within capability, where soil
conservation treatment is not necessary.
3. O+ : seriously over used.
4. O : Over used.
5, U+ : Under used common lands, which can be
adjusted for better use i.e.
resettlement etc.
6. U : Under used.
The results obtain from the land use adjustment map suggested
Six types of land use adjustment classes as explained above.
Out of the total area the maximum land covering 60.88 96 have
been found within capability uses without soil conservation
measures followed by under used common land (public land)
with an extent of 12.25 95 which can be adjusted suitably for
better production system and resettlement. The land used within
capability but needs appropriate soil conservation measures for
better sustainability are 10.09% whereas 1.86% area have been
found to be over used necessitating immediate change of
existing cropping pattern and conservation practices. (Table-2).
SI.No. Erosion Class. Area (ha). Area (%).
1 EO, Nil erosion (0-5 ton / ha/ yr.). 8864.31 29.58
2. El, Slight erosion (5-12 ton /ha /yr.) 8663.28 28.91 |
3, E2, Moderate erosion (12-25 ton/ha/yr.). 8497.62 28:25
4 E3, Severe erosion (25-60 ton/ha/yr.) 3637.47 12.14
S E4, very severe erosion (60-150 ton/ha/yr.) 303.23 1.01
Total 29,965.91
Table 1. Area under various erosion categories
| SLNo. Symbol Land uses adjustment Class. Area (ha) Area (96)
1. W+ Used within capability but needs soil 3024.60 10.09
conservation measures.
2. W Used within capability, soil conservation 18241.17 60.88
measures not necessary