IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India, 2002
Table 4. Distribution of number and length of different-ordered gullies on either side of the main gully
Order Gully number Gully length (m)
Facing NE Facing SW Ratio Facing NE Facing SW Ratio
First 220 173 1.3:1 1607 1737 1:1.1
Second 71 47 1.5:1 570 492 1.2:1
Third 8 4 2:1 120 99 1.2:
Fourth 0.7 0.7 1*i 82 398 4.8:1
Total 299.7 224.7 1:3:1 2379 2726 1.1:1
CONCLUSIONS Department of Soils, Punjab Agric., Univ., Ludhiana,
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first-order gullies dominate all the gullies and these are the
main runoff-collecting channels thus aiding in runoff
production. Gullies in the region are definitely a function of
catchment characteristics, viz. shape and slope. The mean
length of gullies increase with increasing order, thereby
signifying the faster growth of higher-order gullies. Thus
priority needs to be given to the gullies of lower-order than
higher-order gullies.
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The authors are highly thankful to Miss. Manmeet Kaur,
Graduate Student for analyzing the data and preparing this