Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

conditions for a suitable data collection system and is time 
cónsuming. Remote sensing as an alternate data collection 
system, has the following advantages: 
1. It produces areal measurements instead of point 
All information is collected and stored at one place 
It can offer high resolution in space and/or time 
Data are available in digital form 
Data acquisition does not interfere with data observation 
Data can be gathered for remote areas that are otherwise 
SD MP oly 
Erosion hazard estimation can be done in both qualitative & 
quantitative way. The qualitative erosion estimation is intended 
to model soil erosion on the basis of the geomorphologic 
processes and the relationship between landscapes and soil 
erosion. However, the quantitative erosion prediction models 
are based on physical laws. It includes the process of 
detachment by raindrop impact, infiltration, runoff, detachment 
by flow, transport by raindrop impact, transport, sediment and 
deposition by flow (Suryana, 1996). These physical based 
models are classified on the basis of empirical based and 
process based: 
* Empirical lumped model based on statistical observation 
and experiments not taking into account spatial variability 
of the variables and parameters used e.g. USLE 
* Empirical distributed model based on statistical 
observations and experiments considering spatial 
variability e.g. SEDIMOT 
* Conceptual lumped models based on physical laws not 
taking into account spatial variability of the variables and 
parameters used e.g. CREAMS 
* Conceptual distributed model based on physical laws 
considering spatial variability from place to place. These 
models are based on the assumption that the soil 
parameters differ from place to place. Furthermore these 
models are based on physical laws what makes 
extrapolation to other areas possible e.g. ANSWERS, 
Choosing a model must be based on the level of application 
(national level, watershed or sub watershed level), the required 
accuracy, and the availability of data for the models (Eppink, 
1995). The category of conceptual distributed model is of 
interest to our study since they are based on physical principles 
and spatial dimension. Furthermore they can be extrapolated to 
a range of conditions where testing is very hard to implement 
and economically not feasible. 
Spatially _ distributed models of watershed hydrological 
processes have been developed to incorporate the spatial 
patterns of terrain, soils and vegetation as estimated with the 
use of remote sensing and Geographic information system 
(GIS) (Band et al., 1993; Famiglietti and Wood, 1991; 1994; 
Moore and Grayson, 1991; Moore et al., 1993; Wigmosta et al., 
1994; Star et al., 1997). Land surfaces attributes are mapped 
into the watershed structure as estimated from remote sensing 
imagery (e.g. canopy leaf area index), digital data (slope, 
aspect, contributing drainage area) or from digitised soil maps, 
such as soil texture or hydraulic conductivity assigned by soil 
series. The optical data sets may be used to distinguish 
vegetation types but not soils due to the exception that remote 
sensing often cannot provide critical information about soil 
properties especially if the soil is obscured by a vegetation 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
canopy (Band and Moore, 1995). Microwave data seems to be 
. best suited for the estimation of the hydrological state of the 
soil mainly because of the all weather capability and the 
sensor’s sensitivity to the dielectric properties of the surface, 
which is linked to the moisture content (Van Oevelen, 2000). 
Substantial progress has been made in estimating near- surface 
and profile soil water content with active and passive 
microwave sensors and in the estimation of hydraulic properties 
by model inversion e.g., Entekabi er al., 1994) However, in 
general soil spatial information is the least known of the land 
surface attributes relative to its well-known spatial variability 
(Nielsen and Bouma, 1985). In addition microwaves are ° 
sensitive to vegetation structure and moisture, which could 
allow the estimation of vegetation parameters. Since 
topography is one of the main parameters to derive the 
conceptual based distributed model, SAR interferometry can 
play important role to derive precise accuracy Digital Elevation 
Model. An interferometric radar technique for topographic 
mapping of surfaces promises a high-resolution approach for 
the generation of DEM (Zebker et al, 1994). 
After extensive reviews and evaluation of existing hydrologic 
models used in the analysis of the soil erosion studies on small 
scale, it was decided that KINEROS model is the best-suited 
model for hydrological modelling. It is suitable for a smaller 
scale and more focussed. It helps in detailed investigations of 
runoff and soil erosion because it is distributed, event-oriented, 
physically based model describing the processes of surface 
runoff and erosion from small watersheds. However, the greater 
complexity of KINEROS also entails greater data requirements. 
In addition, KINEROS has a specially developed space-time 
rainfall interpolator that allows it accurate treatment of highly 
variable thunderstorm rainfall. KINEROS infiltration and 
erosion parameters are primarily derived through soil 
characteristics with modifications made for surface cover 
The experimental site set up in the study area will provide the 
required data for hydrological modelling. Different parameters 
derived from the field as well as from the remote sensing data 
(optical and microwave) will be included in the dataset. 
The project area commonly known as Sitla Rao Watershed lies 
in Lesser Himalaya of India, which is a part of Northern India. 
It receives an annual rainfall of 1600mm to 2200 mm/year, 
which varies on different elevations and most of the rain 
received in the monsoon season (June to August). Three field 
sites has been selected with respect to the elevation zoné i.e. 
high, low and medium for the installation of rain gauges to 
record rainfall data on hourly basis. The geomorphology of the 
area constitutes a chain of erosion hills, extensive piedmonts 
and river terraces. The landuse/landcover is characterised by 
forest, agriculture, barren land, rivers and fallows etc. The soil 
distribution varies from gravelly loam to loamy sand. The 
majority of soil is loamy and gravelly sandy loam. The 
geographical dimension extends from 30? 24' 39" N to 30? 
29'05"' N latitude and 77245'33"' E to 7755746" E longitude 
covering an area of about 57.59 km? 
It is a widely accepted fact that in order to perform any 
modeling, following crises do occur (Stoosnijder, 2000) 
e  adata crisis 
e  amodelcrisis and 

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