Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

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9.1 Stacked Vector: The stacked vector approach attempts to 
increase the classification accuracy by including structural 
measurements, like texture measures, as an additional band to a 
maximum likelihood classifier. The assumption of a normal 
distribution is often violated by texture measures and may some 
times cause difficulty. 
9.2 Modelling context using Markov random fields (MRF): 
In classical maximum likelihood decision rule, the prior 
probability is set to be uniformly distributed due to lack of prior 
knowledge or one does not know the true distributions. It may 
be possible to improve classification results if prior pdf can be 
One source for modeling prior probability is context. The 
premise for using context to model prior pdf is that adjacent 
pixels in a image have reasonable degree of correlation. The 
Markov random field (MRF) is useful to characterize 
contextual information and Gibbs Random Field (GRF) 
provides a practical way of using MRF model prior probability 
density function. 
Any pixel label with respect to its neighborhood is MRF if it 
has the properties of positivity, Markovianity and 
Marovianity property means that the label of a pixel depends on 
its neighborhood pixel labels only. 
Homogeneity property is that the conditional probability of a 
pixel label, given the labels of the neighboring pixels is 
independent of the location. 
The equivalence of MRF and GRF is described by Hammersley 
- Clifford theorem. 
“A unique GRF exists for every MRF as long as the GRF is 
defined terms of cliques on a neighborhood”. 
The cliques are used to define the context in vertical, horizontal 
and diagonal directions. On the ensemble of these cliques MRF 
is defined and because of its equivalence to GRF in the 
neighborhood the GRF is used to define posterior energy 
function, the minimization of which is done using multi model 
minimization techniques like simulated annealing. 
The traditional thematic map is used with a presumption that 
every point on the ground can be labeled as belonging to one 
and only one class. Although the discrete categorization is 
convenient to handle because of its simplicity, it may not be an 
accurate representation of the real world. The remotely sensed 
data provides as many as 2H possible categories of data with k 
bits per pixel per band and 1 bands. 
The crisp classifiers compress nearly continuous measurements 
into relatively few classes, thereby ignoring certain amount of 
the information contained in the data to obtain easy to handle 
simplistic thematic map. The decision-making by crisp 
classifiers is deterministic. 
Human language of decision-making is not generally 
deterministic, rather characterized by certain level of 
uncertainty or Fuzziness. The same thing holds good in the 
classification of imagery. The mislabeling errors of crisp 
classifiers are due to pixels that show affinity with several 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002 
information classes. This type of pixel is often described as 
“mixed” pixel. For example, in a image of agricultural areas 
there will be some pixels representing more than one crop. 
Fuzzy classification approach addresses the “mixed” pixel 
problem by relaxing the discrete membership function of crisp 
classifiers with the concept of partial membership such that 
each pixel may simultaneously hold several non zero 
membership grades for different labels. Thereby allowing 
greater flexibility. The crisp classifiers discussed earlier are 
modified to incorporate the fuzziness. 
Commonly used fuzzy algorithms are: Fuzzy C- means, Fuzzy 
maximum likelihood classification, Fuzzy rule base. 
Advantage of Fuzzy over crisp classification techniques is " for 
a given area if the features of interest are agricultural crops, 
crisp classifier gives acreage estimate as a single number, 
where as from a fuzzy classified out put based on fuzzy 
membership grade it will be possible to estimate upper and 
lower cut off acreage estimates for each crop." 
All the techniques mentioned above have been used with 
multispectral data with reasonable degree of success, but their 
application to hyper spectral data is not straightforward. 
The large number of spectral bands complicates their use for 
classification. The selection of a subset of bands or features is 
desirable to keep the volume of data and parameter estimation 
for classification. New methods and/or modification to the 
existing ones is needed to make effective use of the information 
available in the hyper spectral data sets. 
11.1 Hughes Phenomena: In the case of MLC it was 
mentioned that mean vector and covariance matrix of sample 
data is used by the classifier. For n bands the number of 
elements to be estimated is given by n(n-1)/2+2n. 
Data Dimension Vs Number of Elements 
30000 4 
N N 
© Un 
e o 
e e 
e e 
15000 4 
10000 | 
5000 | 
Number of Elements 
0 50 100 150 200 250 
Data Dimensin 
Figure 6. Number of Elements is mean 
vector and co-variance matrix elements 
It is often said that the performance of the classifier can be 
improved by adding additional features. The performance does 
improve upto a certain point as additional features (or bands) 
are added and then deteriorates.

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