IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002
valley, are encountered in the study area which were further sub-
divide based on erosion intensity or cover percentage etc. On
these physigraphic units , 11 soil types were identified under
fourteen soil mapping units (table-2). The temperature regime of
the soils is ‘hyperthermic’ and the moisture regime is ‘ustic’. The
mineralogy of the soils mixedThe soils were classified at the level
of soil families and their associations. The soils were classified in
to four major soil orders viz., Alfisols, Inceptisols, Mollisols and
Entisols. The soils of the test site are moderately deep to deep,
reddish brown in colour, skeletal with medium to fine texture,
medium to high in organic matter content, mostly well drained
and are subject to moderate to severe soil erosion. The soil
physical and chemical properties are discussed in detail else
where (Ravisankar, 2001).
6.2 Land use / land cover
In the test site ten land use /land cover classes were identified
viz., deciduous forest, degraded forest, kharif crop, shifting
cultivation , forest plantations, gullied land, scrub land and waste
lands. The dominant land cover class in the test site was forest
class because the test site is a part of eastern ghats of India and
occupied more than 7596 of the total study area. Three classes
mapped under this category are deciduos forest, degraded forest
and forest plantations. The agricultural land constitutes 16.58 90
of the total area. Wasteland category occupied less than 1.5 90.
The shifting cultivation, locally called as ‘podu’ was prevalent in
2670 hectares.
6.3 Land productivity assessment
A mentioned above the land productivity of the test site was
assessed with respect to crops, pasture and forest / tree species
following a parametric approach of Riquier et al.,(1970).
The LPI values were computed for all soil types by using the
above mentioned formula with respect to crops, pasture and forest
/ trees. The computation of LPI values were achieved by writing
an ‘aml’ program ‘lpi’ in GIS environment. The individual 11 soil
types are assessed for LPI parameters (table-3) and weights were
assigned (table-4) following the procedure given in Sys et al.,
(1999). Table-4 also shows the actual LPI values along with LPI
class for all 11 types of the soil in the test site.
The coefficient of improvement was computed for all soil
mapping units by taking the ratio of potential LPI and actual LPI.
Table-5 and table-6 shows the coefficient of improvement for all
soil mapping units with respect to crops and forest /tree species as
these are the two foremost important land use /land cover classes
in the study area. The study revealed that in the test site all soil
mapping units have better coefficient of improvement with
respect to crops (0.7 to 2.6 ) and minimum for forest / tree species
(1.0 to 2.0).
Remotely sensed data enabled to prepare the soil and land use /
land cover maps at 1:50,000 scale in time and cost effective
manner. GIS utilities enabled to create data base and analyse the
soil and site properties more effectively. The calculations
involved in computipg LPI could be easily implemented through
‘aml’ routines in GIS. The final outputs and area computations
were also accomplished in GIS environment efficiently. The land
productivity assessment procedure should be automated in GIS
which leads to the Decision Support System(DSS) for land use
planning based on land productivity.
[7] Good + Good * Good
[..] Average * Good * Good
[ ] Poor * Average * Average
BE Average * Average * Average
Poor * Average * Poor
pU Poor + Poor * Poor
BEN Waterbody/Stream/River
Figure-2 Land Productivity of map of part of Paderu mandal
Visakapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh State, India.
The authors expresses their sincere gratitude to the Director,
NRSA and Deputy Director (RS&GIS) for their encouragement in
carrying out the work .
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