Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, *Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India, 2002 
fication. Land with Scrub 
5p. 29. 
Barren / Rocky Area 
of the 
and the Dune/ Sandy Area 
1. USSR 
Water body/ Drainage 
problem. Others (Urban, Glacial, Peri-glacial, Man-made etc.) 
erlags — | 
furt am LEVEL 2: Processes of Degradation - 
Type of morphological processes resulting in degradation. 
nent. In 
Evening Vegetation Degradation 
2 IAF 
Water Erosion LEVEL 3: Severity of Degradation — 
2. Agro- Wind Erosion This level represents the degree and severity of the 
Pub. 24, degradation. 
Water Logging Slight 
Salinization/ Alkalinization 
rocesses Man made (Mining/Quarrying, Brick Kiln, Industrial Moderate 
dia). :Z. Effluents, City Waste, Urban Agg etc.) 
Mass Movement 
tory of 
., 1999, 
ng and 
te Data. 
or SAC, 
or their 
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