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IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002
Objective of the study was to analyze the effect of steep and
shallow incidence angle on backscatter from rice fields and to
explore the possibility of retrieval of moisture status of rice
fields using RADARSAT-1 Extended low beam data for soil
moisture status of rice fields.
The present study was conducted for Bardhaman district, West
Bengal, India. The area was predominantly agricultural having
more than 75 per cent area under agriculture. Rice was the
dominant crop of the area. It is grown under rice-rice crop
rotation. The main crop was grown during July-October and
known as kharif. The second crop is grown during January to
March and known as the summer crop. The summer crop was
mainly irrigated by the canal irrigation of Damodar command
and partially by ground water use. Our study addresses the
summer crop, where the water use is controlled and there was
no possibility of additional effect of rain on soil moisture.
Semi-dwarf plant varieties of 100-110 day cycle were
transplanted during January and harvested during April.
Wetland practice was adopted in the area with 5-10 cm water
level maintained upto 50 days after transplanting. Hence, the
soil moisture effect could only be attempted only after grain
filling stage, which is attained by late March.
Extended low beam mode data of RADARSAT SAR at center
incidence angle of 16? acquired on 23'? March 2000 and
Standard beam mode 6 having center incidence angle of 40?
acquired on 28" March 2000 were used for soil moisture study.
Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) LISS -III data acquired on 31“
March 2000 was used to delineate crop area and assess growth.
IRS-LISS-III has three bands in visible and near infrared (0.52-
0.59, 0.62-0.68, 0.77-0.86 micron) and one band in short-wave
infrared region (1.55-1.70 micron). The spatial resolution is
23.6m for VNIR and 70.8m for SWIR.
Ground truth data was collected on each day of satellite pass,
which included soil samples and crop information. The soil
moisture values for each of the sampling locations were
measured by oven drying the soil samples for 24 hours. GPS
and 1:50,000 scale Survey of India (SOI) topographic maps
have been used to locate the sampling location during the
ground truth collection. Soil and physiographic map of the area
of 1:50,000 scale was used as base information to interpret the
backscatter variation of rice fields.
4.1 Selection of sampling location
Selection of sampling locations for ground truth data collection
for in-situ soil moisture measurements was carried out after
reconnaissance field survey. Sampling locations were selected
with the help of GPS. Enough care was taken regarding size
(minimum 100meter X 100meter) and homogeneity of
sampling location. Average of five samples was used to
represent the each sample site. The fields selected were also
nearly homogeneous with respect to crop cover.
4.2 Ground truth collection
A ground truth data collection was done in synchronous with
both the RADARSAT passes. The information gathered during
ground truth data collection consisting of soil samples for
gravimetric moisture measurements, crop variety, crop height,
percent plant cover and associated field conditions.
4.3 Radiometric calibration
For the RADARSAT data supplied from CCRS, output scaling
gain and offset are applied to the data to ensure optimum
utilization of the available dynamic range. The scaling used can
vary for each scene, making it difficult to directly relate
information between scenes. Hence for any quantitative
analysis, it is necessary to convert the image data to calibrated
radar backscatter (Sigma naught). Both of extended low as well
as Standard beam mode data were radio metrically calibrated
using the Equation 1.
o° = 10*log((DN? + offset)/gain)+10*log(sin (a) (1)
where DN = Digital number of SAR image
a = Local incidence angle
For the calculation of a, the local incidence angle at each pixel,
the necessary information required and the information of gain
and offset applied were supplied in the header of the
RADARSAT image. These conversions yielded a 32-bit real
image, which is radio metrically, calibrated. These operations
were carried out with the help of EASI/PACE image processing
4.4 Speckle suppression and data compression
After conversion of DN to c?, Speckle suppression was carried
out using Enhanced Lee filtering algorithm (Lee, 1986). Owing
to the large disk space requirement (about 2 GB) and data
handling, the 32 bit real o? images were converted to 8 bit
unsigned images. A user defined linear relation was used for
this purpose, so that once 8 bit DN values were extracted from
image, later on it can be inverted to get backscattering
coefficient values in order to carry out quantitative analysis.