Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
4.2 Signature Study 
Image analysis was carried out to study the behaviour of the 
principal surface types on the study site (bare soil fields with 
varying surface roughness, wheat fields, orchards, forest areas, 
buildings, houses and roads) and to investigate the polarimetric 
parameters extracted from SAR data in order to discriminate the 
observed classes. The parameters chosen correspond to 
parameters frequently used in the literature: backscattering 
coefficients, ^ copolarization and depolarization ratios, 
magnitude of the correlation coefficients, entropy, « -angle, 
and anisotropy. For each surface type, several training sites 
based on field observations were selected. Statistical analysis of 
various parameters for various targets are shown in Figure 2. 
Each point plotted represents the parameter mean value for : 
given training site (e.g. a field). This is calculated by averaging 
the values of all the pixels from the site. 
Results show that the backscattering coefficients are ineffective 
in discriminating the different classes. We observe a poor 
separation between the areas of vegetation (forest, wheat, ...) 
for all polarizations, a good separation between different 
building types especially in HV polarization, and a moderate 
separation between bare soils and the other natural classes in 
HH and VV polarizations. Roads can be easily differentiated 
from the surface types using the HV polarization. 
NN M Bare soil 
+ 10 Road 
A Forest 
A Wheat 
| 9 Trihedral 
| + Dihedral 
| XApricot 
|X Pear 
{ OPeach 
x cos | S9 Lawn 
> con) 
| XC House 
Backscattering coefficient HH (dB) 
| x Low building 
3$ High building 
. Wi Bare soil 
| ORoad 
i A Forest 
3 4A Wheat 
pd ! @ Irihedral 
+ Dihedral 
| XApricot 
i X Pear 
xx | O Peach 
@ lawn 
i House 
> pp 
Backscattering coefficient HV (dB) 
X3 Low building 
DS ee ee 
= 2: High building 
rn HW Dare sot 
+ | |D Road 
15 j A Forest 
| $ A Wheat 
+ Trihedral 
LE Dihedral 
X Apricot 
X Pear 
sd A i O Peach 
E i a a x x O e ® Lawn 
i House 
Backscattering coefficient VV (dB) 
54 Low building 
ish m 
22 High building 
Figure 2 . Behaviour of different parameters of the radar signal 
calculated from X-band polarimetric SAR data in function of 
various cover types. 
The copolarization and depolarization ratios show poor 
separability between classes. Only the house class can be 
extracted without ambiguity using depolarization ratios. 
However, the polarization ratios HV/HH and VV/HH show 
good discrimination between forest and wheat. Bare soils and 
roads are clearly distinguishable from the other classes in using 
the ratio HV/VV but are not themselves separable. 
Concerning the degree of coherence between different 
polarizations, results show that the correlation between copolar 
and cross polar is low for natural areas and the potential for 
discrimination between different classes is poor. The correlation 
between HH and VV is high for all classes except for low 
buildings and forest where the correlation is medium. This 
correlation parameter allows a good separability between bare 
soils and the other classes. 
Concerning the interpretation of polarimetric parameters 
(entropy, & -angle and anisotropy), Cloude and Pottier (1997) 
have proposed a division of the entropy and a -angle plane into 
eight zones of different scattering behaviour, in order to 
separate the data into basic scattering mechanisms. Each of the 
eight zones corresponds to very specific physical scattering 
Zone 1: High entropy multiple scattering 
Zone 2: High entropy volume scattering 
Zone 3: Medium entropy multiple scattering 
Zone 4: Medium entropy volume scattering 
Zone 5: Medium entropy surface scattering 
Zone 6: Low entropy multiple scattering 
Zone 7: Low entropy volume scattering 
Zone 8: Low entropy surface scattering 
Figure 3a shows the distribution of airborne RAMSES data in 
the H/ 4 plane with the valid region for coherency matrix data 
shown with a dotted line. The distribution of H/a values shows 
that the distribution is concentrated at low to medium entropy. 
Also, we observe overlapping of the polarimetric parameters 
within H/a plane for different classes. The analysis of entropy 
and @ -angle enable us to discriminate five principal groups of 
- Houses and dihedral: low entropy multiple scattering 
(double bounce scattering) and high values for the a - 
angle (zone 6). 
- . Trihedrals: low entropy surface scattering and low values 
for the a -angle (zone 8). 
- High building: medium entropy multiple scattering and 
high values for a (zone 3). 
- Low building and forest: medium entropy volume 
scattering and medium values for a (zone 4). It is 
impossible to distinguish between these two classes in the 
H/a plane. 
- Wheat fields, lawns, orchards, bare soils and roads: 
medium entropy and low values for a (zone 5). For 
wheat fields, lawns and orchards, surface scattering is the 
dominant process at X-band, however a second less 
significant scattering process resulting from the interaction 
with the vegetation layer (volume scattering) is present. 
The medium entropy observed for wheat, for example, is 
most probably due to penetration of the radar wave 
through the vegetation canopy. This penetration is 
however weak in X-band. Over roads and bare soils 
mainly surface scattering appear. 
In addition, targets occurring in zones 1 and 2 correspond for 
the most part to vegetation and forest stands. 
"eb 50 
$ 40 
10 $ 
0 7 
0 0.1 
1 — 
0.7 « 
Figure 3. En 
for training « 
the mean val 
anisotropy i 
targets. Eacl 
classes acco 
than 0.5 or 
the same for 
low buildin 
dihedral, hoi 
The results 
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couldn't be 
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ratios, cor 
anisotropy ). 
from trainin 
to be used | 
parameters i 
-  Trihedi

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