Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BI. Istanbul 2004 
B Dare soil 
80 D Road 
20 A l'arest 
A Wheat 
60 + Trihedral 
“| + Dihedral 
X Apricot 
X Pear 
O Peach 
® Lawn 
* House 
% Low building 
= High building 
0 9.1 02 €0574 94^ 05 * 05 07 —Og **09 I 
9 Bare soil 
0.9 = - DO Road 
0.8 2 $ A Forest 
A Wheat 
+ n * lrihedral 
0.6 » + Dihedral 
X Apricot 
E a n X Pear 
m 5 Oo 084% AR JY O Peach 
9 Lawn 
0.2 * House 
0.1 * Low building 
35 High building 
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 | 
Figure 3. Entropy/ @ -angle and entropy/anisotropy scatterplots 
for training sites of various surface types. Each point represents 
the mean value of a training field. 
Ferro-Famil and Pottier (2001) noted that the introduction of the 
anisotropy information improves the discrimination between 
targets. Each area in the H/a plane is thus divided into two 
classes according to the pixels anisotropy value being greater 
than 0.5 or less than 0.5. For our targets, anisotropy is not a 
discriminating parameter at X-band. Its value is approximately 
the same for bare soils, roads, orchards, forest, lawn, wheat and 
low building (0.3<A<0.4). For the other targets (trihedral, 
dihedral, house and high building), the anisotropy is superior to 
The results obtained in this study are in agreement with the 
results obtained by Ferro-Famil and Pottier (2001). They 
demonstrated that in P-band, it is possible to separate the tree 
parcels in 3 categories; small, moderate and old trees. The 
results obtained in L-band indicated that different types of trees 
couldn’t be separated precisely. In C-band no discrimination 
between different tree ages is possible. 
This signature study demonstrates the effectiveness of 
polarimetric X-band for mapping specific land use classes. A 
decision tree model can be used to classify the scene by 
combining the different parameters of the radar signal 
(backscattering coefficients, copolarization and depolarization 
ratios, correlation coefficients, entropy, @ -angle, and 
anisotropy). The classification rules can be easily determined 
from training data. The following list proposes the parameters 
to be used in such a classification process. By applying these 
parameters in order, ambiguity between classes is eliminated: 
Trihedral: VV or HV/VV or Entropy. 
- A Dihedral: correlation coefficient between cross and copolar 
or a -angle. 
- House: depolarization ratios or Entropy or Anisotropy. 
- High building: HH or HV or Anisotropy. 
- Low building: HV. 
- Bare soils: Entropy or « -angle. 
- Roads: HV. 
- Forest: H/@ plane (zone 4). 
- Orchards, wheat and lawn: difficult to classify as the 
confusion between the classes will be large. 
4.3 Relationship between surface roughness and the radar 
For bare soils, the backscattering coefficients decrease by about 
8dB in HH and VV and 10dB in HV between the two bare soil 
fields R4 and R5 (rms surface height of 0.85 and 0.80cm, 
respectively ; Figure 4). This decrease is due to the increase of 
both incidence angle and correlation length, and the decrease of 
soil moisture (cf. Table 1). The radar signal is therefore 
dependent on the incidence angle. This relationship is given 
approximately by the function cos"0 (Baghdadi et al., 2000). 
The parameter o is dependent on the dominant scattering 
mechanism and sensor parameters (Shi et al., 1994). In general, 
for a radar frequency given, the parameter a is calculated for 
each surface type and each polarization. Next, the mean a is 
computed for each polarization by calculating the mean of a for 
all classes. However, for our image, only the wheat field class is 
present at different incidence angles. Because of this, we have 
used the parameter o. estimated from the wheat field class data 
to reduce the angular dependence of the radar signal. In Table 2 
the angular dependence is listed for various polarizations. The 
coefficient of determination R? is 0.95 for the HH and VV 
polarizations, and 0.88 for the HV polarization. Our training 
sites of various classes are located between incidence angles of 
26? and 32?. This variation in the incidence angle could 
potentially cause variations in signal power of up to 1.9dB in 
the HH polarization, 1.6dB in the HV polarization, and 2.9dB in 
the VV polarization. 
Cos 77g Cos? 778g Cost? 79 
Table 2: The angular dependence of radar signal at different 
The difference in incidence angle between the two bare soil 
fields R4 and R5 (rms of 0.85 and 0.80cm, respectively) could 
cause a decrease in the radar signal of about 1.6dB in the HH 
polarization, 1.4dB in the HV polarization, and 2.4dB in the VV 
polarization. As mentioned in the literature, an increase in the 
surface moisture of about 5% leads to an increase of the 
retrodiffusion coefficient of approximately 1dB when the 
incidence angle is smaller than 20° (Le Toan et al., 1994). 
Thus, the decrease in the radar signal caused only by the 
decrease in soil moisture (about 1496) is approximately 3dB. 
The slaking crust observed in the field R5 (high correlation 
length comparatively to the field R4) increases the specular 
scattering and leads to a decrease of the radar signal of 3.4dB 
for the HH polarization, 5.6dB for the HV polarization, and 
2.6dB for the VV polarization. It is thus possible to track the 
surface degradation due to the slaking process and to 
distinguish the freshly tilled fields (R1 to R4 as compared to 

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