Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 5. The residual error vectors of 8 GCPs using a 
projective transformation between the co-ordinates manually 
measured in image and on a vector map, respectively. 
19 Check points | RMSE| Mean | Max | Min [Extent 
Easting 32 -].1 48 |-6.5 | 11.3 
Northing DN 1.9 63 1-25] 3.5 
Error Vector Length | 4.5 (unit: m; 1m-1.4 pixel) 
Table 2. The accuracies of the 14 check points using a 
projective transformation between the co-ordinates manually 
measured in image and on a vector map, respectively. 
2.7588 “ 
125728 2700 275 2333 12724. 12136 2708, 274. 2742. D744. 2748 
E (m) x 10 
Figure 6. The residual error vectors of check points. 
The automatic procedures of the image-and-map registration 
start from an initial location of an arbitrarily selected reference 
points in the test image and the corresponding node on the 
vector map. A reference point of good approximation is not 
essential for the proposed algorithm for image-and-map 
registration, but it does reduce the time required to carry out 
image-and-map registration. The Quickbird image header data 
provide useful information of map projection (UTM) and co- 
ordinates of four corners, giving relatively close approximation 
with deviations of translation on the order of less than 100m. 
In addition, rotational errors are not significant in this case, 
since the provided information of map projection of image co- 
ordinates gives enough knowledge for datum transformation 
between the local datum of the vector map and that of the 
rectified satellite imagery. Since the proposed model of the 
line feature 1s sensitive to noise in the matching procedure, 
a huge amount of candidate locations can be produced by 
the image-and-map registration. Thus, the critical 
procedure in the image-and-map registration is to find the 
best match of the line features of both types of data using 
the proposed geometric-structure-matching algorithm. The 
primary results as shown in Table 3 suggests that a large 
portion of the population of candidate locations can be 
eliminated up to 98% without using any other criteria for 
the image-and-map registration. In Table 3, the searching 
range is defined as the extent or the number of pixels in 
respect to the reference point. 
All of the polygons are registered according to the same 
geometric structure as mentioned before, however, each 
polygon needs to be registered individually in the first place. 
Further refining processes for the remaining candidate 
locations are required in order to pick up the best 
estimation of registration, which is done by an analysis of 
the density numbers for the linear features. Since the linear 
features always convey similar radiometric characteristics, 
such as homogeneous density numbers along a specific 
linear feature or boundary line, it is proposed that the 
variances of density numbers of all pixels along a specific 
linear feature, such as a wall feature, have a minimal 
Taam Candidate locations of| Geometric- 
rater each polygon structure- 
(in pixel) A B C D matched 
20 S02 453 509 557 36 
40 1826 2031 1382 1563 178 
100 14188 13913 11192 14166 1096 
200 57572 57651 47637 55710 4692 
Table 3. The number of candidate locations of the primary 
image-and-map registration using the geometric-structure- 
matching technique. 
Figure 7. The result derived using the geometric-structure- 
matching technique for automatic registration of a 
Quickbird image and a cadastral map. 
Figure 8. 
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