International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Along-track stereo
1 camera (matrix or line)
Forward/backward slewing feature
matrix: e. g. EarlyBird
line: e. g. IKONOS, QuickBird
Along-track stereo using the slewing feature
of the satellite or platform
Along-track stereo
2 lines on 1 FPA / camera
2 single line cameras
1 camera: e. g. OPS of JERS-1
2 cameras: e. g. HRS of SPOT-5
- — V
Along-track stereo
3 lines on 1 FPA (e. g. WAOSS) or
3 single line cameras (e. g. MOMS-02)
Along-track stereo with 2 sensors
Along-track stereo with 3 sensors
For most of the operating systems, the optical system may be
considered near diffraction limited and in focus. The Airy disk
diameter d caused by diffraction is one of the important
parameters which can be related to the detector pixel size x
d-244.A 244. A-F (2)
with f the focal length, D the aperture of the optics, and À the
average wavelength of the radiation. If x is larger than d the
system is detector limited, the resolution is determined by the
detector. Otherwise the optics determines the spatial resolution.
Figure 7 shows the borderline for an average wavelength of
A =0.55um (green). The optics designs should be near to the
borderline on the optics limited side in order to get maximum
energy for the detector avoiding too large aliasing effects. F
state-of-the-art CCD detectors with a pitch of 7 um, a f/5.2
optics would satisfy this approach.
The MTF degradation due to linear motion of the satellite is
MTF M (1) ES inc(a,,, 1 £3 (3)
where f, is the spatial frequency, and aj, the distance the target
edge moves across the detector pixel. MTF,m only effects the
MTF in the direction of the motion. The distance a, y is V: A.
In many cases At is close to the dwell time and MTF, is
approximately MTFp. As a rule-of-the-thumb, when the linear
motion causes an image shift less than about 20 % of the
detector size, the effect on system performance is minimal.
For MTF; (jitter or random motion) is assumed that the jitter is
a superposition of different high-frequency motions so that the
central limit theorem can be applied. It says that many random
movements can be described by a Gaussian distribution
MTF(f,) 2 exp( -2z7^0; f?) (4)
with o; the rms random displacement. As a rule-of-the-thumb,
when ©; is less than about 10 % of the detector size x, system
performance is only minimal effected. Attitude control systems
for pointing accuracies and stabilization to support high
resolution functions on micro satellites are under development.
In some cases, disturbing vibrations may also be avoided by
simply switching off the active control functions during the
relatively short imaging phase.
3.2 Radiometric aspects
The number of photoelectrons generated in a solid state camera
Aj : Topics : Fe z =
Hn x i ES (A) L(A)dA (5)
(Ap == de
Once the
given as
variable |
the satell
words, th
of 7m. F
< 1/7 ms
Lavell ( In
Even mo
(IFOV ).
Taking bc
of 10”! c:
energy at
There are
= Use |
(this t
- use tf
with resp
Airy disk d [micrometer]
Figure 7
3.3 Mas
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